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Essay on respect in the military

Essay on respect in the military

In the Army customs and courtesies are incredibly important While it is true that the Commander in Chief is able to get away with misbehavior, military personnel have been warned not to criticize him. These are some of the values the United States Army uphold. United States Brady v. Cite This paper.


Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued that respect towards others is a pivotal element of excellent communication. It allows building productive professional relationships that can benefit either oneself or other soldiers and leaders in the army. The present paper will discuss the concept of respect and will aim to demonstrate why it is so important for those serving in the military.

This definition implies that every person can be respected just by the very virtue of being a human. This view on respect implies that individuals deserve to be valued in accordance with certain qualities they have. It is valid to say that both of these types of respect are applicable to the military context. Soldiers must acknowledge the rank, experience, knowledge, and remarkable attainments of either army leaders or their successful peers. At the same time, even those soldiers who perform worse than others should be respected to feel supported and encouraged to become better and thrive.

Mutual respect has multiple favorable impacts on all parties involved in the work process. For example, essay on respect in the military, when expressed towards a leader, respect serves as a guarantee that soldiers listen to him or her and strive to learn from him or her. A respectful attitude towards army leaders is an essential prerequisite for maintaining order in the team and fostering better outcomes of professional communication. At the same time, it is important for leaders to respect soldiers as well. When regular servicemen feel that they are treated with regard, they are likely to become more receptive to every demand voiced by a leader and also more willing to collaborate and improve.

Overall, essay on respect in the military, mutual respect signifies that every party is considerate of the interests of essay on respect in the military another and views themselves as a part of the team rather than an individual, essay on respect in the military entity. Therefore, it is appropriate to conclude that respect for both a person and a rank is necessary for the maintenance of a positive atmosphere and the enhancement of teamwork. In its turn, a good work climate and team cohesion stimulate the betterment of communication. With mutual respect, less experienced soldiers grow faster, while the more experienced ones complete their tasks more efficiently, essay on respect in the military. With all that, when respected and showing respect back, every serviceman may feel more satisfied with both his or her job and his or her performance.

Rogers, Kristie M. Respect in the Army: Values and Standards. This paper was written and submitted to essay on respect in the military database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. StudyCorgi Sociology. Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. Learn More. Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice.

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They're duties that improve the quality of the job and help keep the unit functioning at an optimum level. In most cases, these duties depend on individual initiative. They improve the work environment and motivate soldiers to perform because they want to, not because they have to. Order custom essay Respect In The Army with free plagiarism report. For example, while not specifically directed to do so, you hold in-ranks inspections daily to ensure your soldiers' appearance and equipment are up to standards. As a Noncommissioned Officer and a leader you must ensure that your soldiers clearly understand their responsibilities as members of the team and as representative of the Army. Commanders set overall policies and standards, but all leaders must provide the guidance, resources, assistance and supervision necessary for soldiers to perform their duties.

Mission accomplishment demands that officers and NCOs work together to advise, assist and learn from each other. Command responsibility refers to collective or organizational accountability and includes how well the unit performs their missions. For example, a company commander is responsible for all the tasks and missions assigned to the company; his superiors hold him accountable for completing them. Commanders give military leaders the responsibility for what their sections, units, or organizations do or fail to do. NCOs are therefore responsible to fulfill not only their individual duties, but also to ensure that their team and unit are successful.

The amount of responsibility delegated to you depends on your mission, the position you hold and your own willingness to accept responsibility. Individual responsibility means you are accountable for your personal conduct. Soldiers in the Army have their own responsibilities. Individual responsibility cannot be delegated; it belongs to the soldier that wrote the check. Soldiers are accountable for their actions, to their fellow soldiers, to their leaders, to their unit and to the United States Army. As a leader you must ensure that your soldiers understand clearly their responsibilities as members of the team and as representatives of the Army.

This was once true even in the United States: Military units were raised for the Civil Was by wealthy and prominent community members, who would obtain a commission to recruit and train the people in their hometown. Today, commissioned officers in the United States Military are no longer aristocracy, and the enlisted far from being peasants. If the civilian equivalent of a private is an low level blue collar worker, and the sergeant that of middle manager, then commissioned officers are the upper management and executives. Officers are expected to come out of training able to immediately take charge of about forty enlisted troops — a platoon. on Respect In The Army. Respect within the Military basically means treat others as you would want to be treated.

It is one of the basic Army Values. It is by far one of the most important values that we have. It is the one that keeps everyone acting polite and curiosities towards everyone. The most important reason to show respect to an NCO is that we are able to keep our attention on the mission at hand instead of having a horrible breakdown in communication in the heat of battle. Another, just as important, reason to respect an NCO is that without respect there would be no discipline. Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command.

Self discipline in the military is where soldiers do the 4 rights without being told, even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a unit by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Respect In The Army. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Aug 25, Accessed January 7, com , Aug Respect can be defined as a positive feeling of esteem for a person or entity. It denotes the regard and consideration shown by an individual towards others. The feeling of remorse that is bestowed upon a soldier during the playing of the Taps is derived from nothing other than respect for each other.

Although in the army most occasions end with sad events, most feel a sense of respect for the fallen soldier who pays the ultimate sacrifice for the country. Most of the military customs and traditions are not held to this regard. However, we need to uphold our traditions and customs so that we do not lose the sense of pride and duty. This paper seeks to discuss the importance of respect in the military. Being a soldier in the army means understanding the Seven Core Army Values and living up to them. Some of these include respect, loyalty and honor.

Having respect means treating someone as he or she should be treated. The people in the army are expected to treat each other with respect. They do this since they also expect others to do the same. Another ingredient for respect is self-respect. You cannot respect another if you do not respect yourself. This allows someone to put forth his or her best effort since the Army is a team and each member contributes to the greater goal. Respecting your fellow soldier means protecting him in all situations, covering his backside when required and clearing the path in order for him to complete the mission. This is because when that person completes the task, it equally means that you have completed yours.

Therefore, respect in the army ensures that the jobs of both the seniors and the subordinates are done. Lack of respect in the Army may hinder development of effective leaders. This is usually accompanied with the lack of proper communication. Disrespect is observed when the seniors in the Army such as the NCOs fail to do what they were tasked to do and force other subordinate officers to micromanage tasks. This is where seniors loose the trust of the subordinates. The best way to maintain relationships and respect in the Army is to focus on your task and maintain communication in all situations.

This way there would be mutual respect and friendships that last for a lifetime would be fostered. Another reason why respect in the military is important is that it would ensure that the juniors subordinates are informed about the missions and its activities. This would empower them with responsibilities and show them that they are equally important to the team. Respect is also important because it instills confidence that the mission would be successful. This is especially the case when there is the respect of the soldiers of all ranks. The soldiers need to respect their peers, subordinates and seniors. This would require one to listen and pay soldiers the proper courtesy.

This should be the case even when one does not like the other for any particular reason or the mission as a whole.

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