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Best academic essays

Best academic essays

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40 Best Essays Ever Written (With Links And Writing Tips)

Greats Best of By Subject By Author. Wallace Essays Hunter S. Thompson James Baldwin Essays Zadie Smith Essays John J. Sullivan Malcolm Gladwell. by Sheila Heti After Life by Joan Didion best academic essays more great articles about life 20 more great articles about death. Travel The Book by Patrick Symmes Shipping Out by David Foster Wallace Death of an Innocent by Jon Krakauer The Place to Disappear by Susan Orlean best academic essays more great articles about travel. Words and Writing On Keeping a Notebook by Joan Didion Everything you Need to Know About Writing by Stephen King How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read by Pierre Bayard Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

by Neil Gaiman 15 more great essays about writing, best academic essays. Short Memoirs Explicit Violence by Lidia Yuknavitch Seeing by Annie Dillard Call Me Loyd by David Owen Three by David Sedaris 50 more great short memoirs. Growing Best academic essays A Few Words about Breasts by Nora Ephron The American Male at Age Ten by Susan Orlean The Comfort Zone by Jonathan Franzen Tennis, Trigonometry, best academic essays, Tornadoes by David Foster Wallace 50 more great articles about growing up. Women The Female Body by Margaret Atwood Why Women Smile by Amy Cunningham What Do Women Want?

by Daniel Bergner 30 more great articles about women. Sex Maxed out by Evan Wright Revelations About Sex by Alain de Botton Safe-Sex Lies by Meghan Daum The Biology of Attraction by Helen E. Fisher 50 more great articles about sex. Feminism The Women's Movement by Joan Didion Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay What the Hell Am I and Who the Hell Cares? by Neko Case 5 more great articles about feminism. Men What Is a Man? by Tom Chiarella The Best academic essays of Men By Hanna Rosin 10 more great articles about men.

by Stephen Pinker English Is Not Normal by John McWhorter A Linguistic Big Bang by Lawrence Osborne 15 more great articles about linguistics. Pigeon Wars by Jon Mooallem Violence of the Lambs by John J. Sullivan 25 more great articles about animals. Work Quitting the Paint Factory by Mark Slouka Nickel And Best academic essays by Barbara Ehrenreich Shop Class as Soul Craft by Matthew B. Crawford 40 more great articles about work. Cities Here is New York by E. White Downtown is for People by Jane Jacobs The City Solution by Robert Kunzig 25 more great articles about cities.

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Women The Female Body by Margaret Atwood Why Women Smile by Amy Cunningham What Do Women Want? by Daniel Bergner 30 more great articles about women. Sex Maxed out by Evan Wright Revelations About Sex by Alain de Botton Safe-Sex Lies by Meghan Daum The Biology of Attraction by Helen E. Fisher 50 more great articles about sex. Feminism The Women's Movement by Joan Didion Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay What the Hell Am I and Who the Hell Cares? by Neko Case 5 more great articles about feminism. Men What Is a Man? by Tom Chiarella The End of Men By Hanna Rosin 10 more great articles about men.

by Stephen Pinker English Is Not Normal by John McWhorter A Linguistic Big Bang by Lawrence Osborne 15 more great articles about linguistics. Pigeon Wars by Jon Mooallem Violence of the Lambs by John J. Sullivan 25 more great articles about animals. Work Quitting the Paint Factory by Mark Slouka Nickel And Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich Shop Class as Soul Craft by Matthew B. Crawford 40 more great articles about work. Cities Here is New York by E. White Downtown is for People by Jane Jacobs The City Solution by Robert Kunzig 25 more great articles about cities. The Environment The Fate of Earth by Elizabeth Kolbert State of the Species by Charles C.

Mann Death of a Mountain by Erik Reece 30 more great reads about the environment. Climate Change Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich Global Warming's Terrifying New Math by Bill Mckibben The New Abolitionism by Christopher Hayes 25 more great reads about climate change. Computers The Tinkering of Robert Noyce by Tom Wolfe Creation Myth by Malcolm Gladwell Mother Earth Mother Board by Neal Stephenson 50 more great articles about computers. The Internet Forty Years of the Internet by Oliver Burkeman A Nation of Echo Chambers by Will Leitch The Long Tail by Chris Anderson 50 more articles about the internet. Why did she do it?

Read the essay. Joan Didion — On Keeping A Notebook. Slouching Towards Bethlehem is one of the most famous collections of essays of all time. In it, you will find a curious piece called On Keeping A Notebook. Joan Didion — Goodbye To All That. This one touched me because I also lived in New York City for a while. They are powerful. As the sound of sirens faded, Tony descended into the dark world of hustlers and pimps. Anyway, this essay is amazing in too many ways. You just have to read it. George Orwell — Reflections on Gandhi. George Orwell could see things as they were. No exaggeration, no romanticism — just facts. He recognized totalitarianism and communism for what they were and shared his worries through books like and Animal Farm. He took the same sober approach when dealing with saints and sages.

Today, we regard Gandhi as one of the greatest political leaders of the twentieth century — and rightfully so. But overall he was a good guy. Read the essay and broaden your perspective on the Bapu of the Indian Nation. George Orwell — Politics and the English Language. Let Mr. Orwell give you some writing tips. Written in , this essay is still one of the most helpful documents on writing in English. Orwell was probably the first person who exposed the deliberate vagueness of political language. He was very serious about it and I admire his efforts to slay all unclear sentences including ones written by distinguished professors. To make this list more comprehensive, below I included twelve more essays you may find interesting. Oliver Sacks — On Libraries.

One of the greatest contributors to the knowledge about the human mind, Oliver Sacks meditates on the value of libraries and his love of books. Noam Chomsky — The Responsibility of Intellectuals. Chomsky did probably more than anyone else to define the role of the intelligentsia in the modern world. There is a war of ideas over there — good and bad — intellectuals are going to be those who ought to be fighting for the former. Sam Harris — The Riddle of The Gun. Sam Harris, now a famous philosopher and neuroscientist, takes on the problem of gun control in the United States. His thoughts are clear and free of prejudice. Tim Ferriss — Some Practical Thoughts on Suicide.

Author of the NYT bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek shares an emotional story about how he almost killed himself, and what can you do to save yourself or your friends from suicide. Edward Said — Reflections on Exile. The life of Edward Said was a truly fascinating one. Born in Jerusalem, he lived between Palestine and Egypt and finally settled down in the United States where he completed his most famous work — Orientalism. In this essay, he shares his thoughts about what it means to be in exile. Richard Feynman is clearly one of the most interesting minds of the twentieth century. He was a brilliant physicist, but also an undeniably great communicator of science, an artist, and a traveler. By reading this essay, you can observe his thought process when he tries to figure out what affects our perception of time.

Rabindranath Tagore — The Religion of The Forest. I like to think about Tagore as my spiritual Friend. His poems are just marvelous. In many ways, they are similar to some of the Persian verses that praise love, nature, and the unity of all things. By reading this short essay you will learn a lot about Indian philosophy and its relation to its Western counterpart. Richard Dawkins — Letter To His Year-Old Daughter. Every father should be able to articulate his philosophy of life to his children. With this letter, the famed atheist and defender of reason, Richard Dawkins, does exactly that.

Albert Camus — The Minotaur or, The Stop In Oran. There are many places where you may attempt to find quietude. Albert Camus tells about his favorite one. Koty Neelis — 21 Incredible Life Lessons From Anthony Bourdain. Lucius Annaeus Seneca — On the Shortness of Life. Seneca shares some of his stoic philosophy and tells you not to waste your time on stupidities. Bertrand Russel — In Praise of Idleness. This old essay is a must-read for modern humans. We are so preoccupied with our work, our phones, and all the media input, that we tend to drown in our business. Bertrand Russel tells you to chill out a bit — maybe it will do you some good.

The mission to improve my writing skills took me further than just going through the essays. I highly recommend you read them in their entirety. An essay is a special form of writing. In fact, it is the only literary form that I know of that is an absolute requirement for career or educational advancement. Instead, there are essay questions, right? I hope you enjoy the read and that it will inspire you to do your own writing. As I said before, this list is only an attempt to share some of the best essays available online. Do you know any other pieces that could be included in that list? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below. Where is Montaigne? True, his essays are years old and not very coherent, but Montaigne wanted to share his raw thoughts with the world.

The essay has now become a sophisticated literary genre, but Montaigne simply wanted to journal about life. No student would be able to get away with a Montaigne-esque essay. Thank you for your kind comment and bringing it to my attention. We should never forget about the origins of the essay. Nice list. Interesting choice, have you read Joseph Roths essays? Hotel Years, feuilleton actually…to be accurate, but in the essay family, Robert Walser is another master…I think Ill write a list of the top 20 feuilletons…spasibo for the list……check out edward hoagland, updike thought he was the best….. lawrence millman, barry lopez…. Hello Sir! am glad that you have provided a bucket of amazing essays. I am also very pleased to know that you like the poems of Mr.

Rabindranath Tagore and am also a great admirer of Mr. But I feel that you should have included Hazlitt, Montaigne and yes without Mr. Thank you. Yes, I should definitely include Bacon in the revised version of this article. Thanks for the suggestion. It soort ߋf feels toߋ complicated and very huge for me. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? Any suggestions? Bless you! Literature Review Multiple Choice Questions Presentation or Speech Reflective Writing Report. Our Guarantees Professional Writers Well-versed specialists, experienced and sharp writers for hire awaits you. Top Quality Papers All papers are written from scratch. Timely Delivery Place an order and be sure to receive your paper prior to initial deadline!

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