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Essay about personal experience

Essay about personal experience

Answer: One really good way is to just start writing down everything you can think of that has to do with that personal experience: sights, sounds, essay about personal experience, memories, smells, and feelings. These feelings can come to anyone in their everyday life. Brainstorm ideas by thinking about the following:. Vivid description: Tell the scene in vivid sensory detail, perhaps focusing on the setting or on one essay about personal experience two children. Believe it or not the person I am writing about and the person who is trying to get me on the right track are one and the same and I very much appreciate his critique. Mythology

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The day started with the Marketing Department Manager informing my Production Department of the increased demand for fresh milk on the market. The new demand was up by 20, liters of fresh milk; meaning that our production was to rise fromliters toliters. I informed my Supervisor of the increased demand for milk and how to make sure that we meet the requirement by surpassing our daily production. The Supervisor called for an urgent meeting essay about personal experience all employees from the fresh milk department in order to essay about personal experience the information.

It was established that the production department did not have enough facilities to cater to an essay about personal experience supply of fresh milk. The finance manager called upon the Company accountant to provide funds for the purchase of new equipment and the accountant adamantly refused to say he cannot allocate any money for such expenses. It was after the Managing Director intervened and warned the Accountant against withholding funds that he released the funds for the purchase of new equipment. The Managing Director used coercive power to warn the Accountant and the Accountant complied by releasing the funds for the purchase of new equipment.

The employees were unhappy with the increase in workload and demanded that the management tells them exactly how much will be essay about personal experience as a pay increase before they agreed. With a promise for extra pay for an extra hour worked, they agreed to the new terms. They worked until pm, two hours past the normal working hours and eventually, the target was met. It also happened that some two co-workers were fighting each other at the Gate of the company claiming that one of them had refused to refund the money lent to the other.

The Managing Director drove past and saw them. He immediately brought them to the Office and instructed the Personnel Manager who was present to investigate the cause. the personnel manager warned them that the next time they will do such an act will be the end of their jobs. They signed down that they will never again repeat the primitive act. The other workers were surprised but it taught them a lesson that fighting was not the solution to solving problems. The Personnel Manager exercised coercive power by warning the fighting employees of the repercussions. In order to achieve the same target, they were to work up to pm. After the Sales manager set an example by agreeing to work on Saturday, essay about personal experience.

As a role model, he made the employees to be convinced and therefore agree to work a full day. They however wanted to be assured that their overtime extra payment should also be paid on this day. We agreed with them and they settled down on work. At the end of the day, a roll call was essay about personal experience to ascertain the number of employees present and it was ascertained that 5 employees were known to be so notorious for absconding their duties before the time of leaving. The supervisor held a meeting with the human resource manager and later, their contacts were given and the supervisor warned them of tire consequences if they cannot change.

The employees sought an apology and promised never to abscond their work again. The manager used coercive power to warn the employees and the employees accepted to essay about personal experience and therefore complied. There was a board meeting to discuss the progress made so far regarding the situation and what measures had been taken in order to avoid recurrent supply shortages in the future. The Managing Director informed the employees that as a result of the acquisition of essay about personal experience equipment to cater for the increased production, the essay about personal experience and wages for all the employees may delay. There were roars and murmurs among the people present and the Managing Director knew that the employees were dissatisfied with his comments.

He called them to order and assured them that he will try to make sure that the money is availed on time. There was a request by the employees to the supervisor to communicate with the top management so that they can have a day off the following day since it was a public day. The employees claimed that being a public holiday, they ought not to work but rather work with their families. He, therefore, told them their request was not granted. The supervisor used affiliation power on the employees and the employees complied by agreeing to come to work the following day. The Supervisor told the employees who were working in the production department to throw away the milk packets that had been torn and leaking in the dust bin, essay about personal experience.

The employees resisted throwing away the torn milk packets claiming that it was better if the milk was poured into the churns and repackaged rather than thrown them away. The production supervisor told them to follow his instructions since he told them based on the hygienic factors, essay about personal experience. The supervisor used legitimate power to instruct the employees and the employees reacted by at first resisting and then complying. The employees murmured as they obeyed the instructions. The supervisor warned them that murmuring at the place of work will next time lead to interdiction from work. Power means the ability to influence people and be able to produce a positive effect on them without compromising with your own behavior. Power, therefore, possesses the capability to influence other people.

At the workplace, supervisors and other personnel should use different and unique types of power at various times to augment productivity. Power gets things done appropriately. Cohesive and integrated problem-solving management is all that a competitive company or business embraces in order to attain its optimum success. The correct and competent use of different kinds of power is key in achieving optimal performance. In this paper, essay about personal experience, I am going essay about personal experience look at different scenarios and how dissimilar powers were used to salvage the situation Daft, The first day activities involved the deployment of reward power where the drastic change and increase in fresh milk demand was met by promising the employees extra pay in form of overtime to make them comply and work to meet the new target.

For instance, extra pay was wholly embraced by the fresh milk production department workforce given their perception of being underpaid by Brookside Dairy Co. The suggestion by the personnel manager for overtime pay was taken honestly by all casual and full-time employees in the department, consequently, essay about personal experience, they also understood the immediate underlying need of the market as the festive season was present in their minds. My inclusion of all department employees gave them a sense of importance and belonging hence they felt to be part and parcel of the company.

The lack of finance to acquire new resources to meet the demands was resolved by the management when they opted for an overdraft from their banker. The threats to sack the two men who fought in front of their boss made them commit themselves never to commit such acts again. Power, therefore, exists on two levels of motives and behavior. The power of the supervisors in an organization is always embedded in the networks of social participation which are inclusive of the work environment. In most cases, the person who exercises power tries to influence it upon the recipient.

In some situations, the attempts to influence the recipient may be reciprocal where the exerciser of power can exchange places with the recipient, essay about personal experience. It is a known fact that the recipients will deem power positively when they know there will be benefits in the situation which may either be personal, symbolic or economic. In most instances, the manager who widely uses information power, reward power and expert power stands a higher chance of influencing the characters of other people in positive ways. They complied with our genuine request and got committed to their work throughout the essay about personal experience hours that they worked. The day was a success with no resistance from any of the parties.

The overtime pay that we promised them acted as a motivational factor and in fact, they felt that the management cared for their welfare. Nevertheless, reward power is the most successful tool in solving such vital conditions. The essay about personal experience of the two men who fought in front of their boss was a display of coercive power by the Managing Director. Coercive power is the opposite of reward power and it is applied when the leaders have the right to fire or demote subordinates. The second-day crisis was salvaged by the use of both referent and charismatic power.

The culture and traditions of Brookside Dairy Co. Ltd to have employees only work a half-day on Saturday, essay about personal experience, presented a real challenge to the personnel Manager under the crisis at hand since as the team leader, I needed to make sure that the production meets the requirements of the marketing department. My personal involvement and indirect request for the workforce to work full day was taken positively. I displayed myself as loyal, respectful, and friendly to my subordinates regardless of my managerial status. Although the task was not an easy one, I explained to my employees that the target was achievable provided we worked a full day.

My passionate concern about the situation gave me a personal touch with all the employees and they took me as a good team leader and a role model to them. I never forced them to work a full day but was consistent and persistently requested for the exercise of loyalty and friendship among the production department employees. My use of referent power was a success. The employees agreed to follow my advice and the Saturday Company operations prevailed for the whole day with all my subordinates committed to their duties voluntarily. The subordinate reaction is a commitment because my employees adopted my viewpoint and followed my instructions. They were satisfied with my leadership and performed the immediate tasks without hesitation. Charismatic and referent power are both inclusive and hence subordinates identify themselves with the team leader and undertake the present duty with regard to the advice from the leader Daft and Soon, As we have learned the advantage of using power is to listen, learn and apply the feedback.

The activities of the third day which was a Sunday involved convening a boards meeting in order to salvage the immediate current situation in the firm. We convened in the afternoon, and all decision-makers of the company were present. I informed the board that, in order to maintain a consistent and steady supply of fresh milk to the market, they needed to employ more part-time employees to increase the manpower needed to packageliters of fresh milk per day, essay about personal experience. The essay about personal experience requested that I talk to the management so they could offer an incentive for the extra hours they were to work. With support from the marketing manager and other stakeholders, we managed to influence the board.

They increased the pay package of the existing employees and also introduced overtime pay. They resorted to the second option for it was the best and available Daft and Soon, It is of utmost importance for supervisors to know that there exist different bases of power. Most supervisors use them without giving another thought or knowing it. During our course of duty, we normally use three or four kinds of power in different situations without knowing what we are using. Productivity and the quality of work can be improved greatly if all the power bases are effectively put to use. Power is perceived and therefore, we can only make others believe we have power only if we have it. Power can reside in the group synergies process, giving out rewards, having information at hand and knowing the right people.

I wish to conclude by noting that, a essay about personal experience strategy that is all-inclusive, invites for consultation in decision making, essay about personal experience, and identifies itself with the subordinate is bound to succeed in its daily operations. My organization has used different types of powers but the major ones include; reward, Coercive, charismatic, referent, and expert. Daft, R. L and Soon Lim. The leadership experience in Asia. New York: Cengage Learning Asia.

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