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Essay on happiness

Essay on happiness

Read more. Happiness helps in lowering stress and keeping away from any health issues. cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional", essay on happiness. certified writers online. They can even buy the costliest things like Gold, Essay on happiness, Cars, Houses, etc. There is a law of nature, anything that you wish, you need to act as if you own it.

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Happiness is nothing, but the state of mind. It can be due to various reasons such as loving their life, having several companions, doing essay on happiness at workplace, or successfully accomplishing any given objective. It can be little moments in a day to day life that essay on happiness bring happiness to people. Let us learn more about what is happiness, essay on happiness. Everyone is in search of true happiness that does not diminish with time. Essay on happiness it possible to have an everlasting happiness? Happiness is our state of mind.

It depends on our perspective of how we view things, and what makes us happy. Spending few moments in a day to be grateful for things that God has bestowed us, will make us happy. True happiness is not in owning valuables, money, or any other kind of possession, essay on happiness. It lies within ourselves. Whether rich or poor, upper caste or lower caste, we all have got the same potential to experience happiness in our life. It is devoid of any material possession. It can only be felt. Happiness is a simple word with a deep meaning behind it. One of the major mistakes that people do and they fail to realize it is that they look for it in the outer world, essay on happiness. When they find impermanence in everything outside, they react by blame themselves, essay on happiness, circumstances, their luck and even God.

You need to understand that nothing in the external world can buy you happiness. You should feel happy from inside, then only you can enjoy whatever has been provided to you. Happiness is an inward journey. When you become joyful, and contended with yourself, then only help you appreciate what you have. Everyone desires for a happy and soulful life. What people are unaware of is that happiness is the very nature of any person. They have it within themselves. They need not create it. It is when you drop your petty desires for materialistic cravings, and wants, you become free and liberated. This is happiness. A desire-less, and contented soul is a happy soul. There is a law of nature, anything that you wish, you need to act as if you own it. So, if you want happiness, you should feel yourself to be happy right now.

To be happy, the best way is to be grateful for all that you have and release all your wants. When you focus on what you have and feel good about it, that is when you will realize that your life is becoming happier. To develop a habit of satisfied and gratefulness, needs time if essay on happiness are not used to it. This shifting of paradigm is going to bring about a positive change in your life. This practice will open the doors of happiness to you that you have not even imagined ever in your life. Another thing that can make you happy is to spend time by connecting with your own nature. It is only your fears of the future, and the desire that prevents you from being happy.

To attain the state of fearlessness, and contentment, you need to sit for meditation for a few minutes daily, essay on happiness. In those few minutes, drop all your worries, and just be with yourself. You will start to feel happier, relaxed, and fulfilling with every passing day. Another important way to feel happy is to stop thinking of your own comforts. Think about what you can do for the betterment of the society. Spend time in thinking how you can contribute to the society. However small it is, do it. This is for your own happiness, and betterment of the life of deprived people.

It can be charity, teaching a person, feeding birds or animals, or even uplifting the state of mind of people. Anything that makes other happy, and supported, is an act that will fill your life with happiness. Try it to see its magic. You will see that by essay on happiness happiness everywhere, your own life is becoming prosperous, and enriching. Now that you know that your source, essay on happiness, is the very cause of happiness, you will never lose it amidst all the stress in the life. When you focus on within, all the material comforts will make its way to you. But, when you focus on material comforts, then you could even lose your inner state of happiness. Also read: Essay On Friendship.

Besides benefits at individual level, essay on happiness, another positive impact of happiness, is that a happy person has the ability to make others happy. He has the power to create a violence free and a stress-free society. In this way your essay on happiness mindset will not just make you happy, but also everyone around you happy. Search Categories. Society Technology Healthcare Environment Other Sociology Politics Education Business Sport 3. Literature 2. Accounting 0, essay on happiness. Management 0. Marketing 0. Media 0. Medicine and Health 0. Movies 0. Music 0. Nature 0. Nursing 0. Nutrition 0, essay on happiness.

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Students who are in search of this essay read the article till the end for more information. Yes in reality when compared to life the proverb is best suited. It is very important to be happy in life but money cannot buy all the happiness along with the other luxuries. Man can buy all the needs and wants with money and can be happy. But the essential thing is happiness for the whole life is not bought by money. Money can make a person rich with all the luxuries but cannot buy relationships and the happiness of loved ones. Money is needed to live but it may not constitute the whole part of life.

Only with happiness, a man can achieve peace of mind and relaxation in life. The more money you have in your life the more worried you are in your life. The man runs to earn money in different ways by his knowledge, at last, he stops at some point of time and looks back into life, there he sees only earning money not even a single minute for family and personal happiness. So by this, we can understand that money cannot buy happiness at any cost. The more luxury you enjoy in life by the cost of money but there existence zero percent of happiness in life.

The main thing in it is you earn money for the sake of your family. But nowadays there is no time to spend with family. So what is the use of money if there is no happiness? So it is better to have limited money to be happy and healthy all through life. The present generation works with a completely money-oriented mind. They run after money for more wealth. by this, you can understand who people are addicted to money. By earning more and more money people cannot be happy for even a second in their life. Because they think that they lose that earned money in a fraction of seconds.

So they hinder back of that money. The main point they miss in the way of earning money is that they cannot buy happiness with that lots and lots of money. The more wealthy a person is more unhappy is that person. People of today can buy many and many more things to satisfy their wants and needs in life. They can even buy the costliest things like Gold, Diamonds, Cars, Houses, etc. The more a person is with complete luxury there ends his happiness. It is a healthy emotion. Happiness helps us to stay fit both mentally and physically. Happiness helps in lowering stress and keeping away from any health issues. The reason of happiness may be different for different person. You just need to find out what actually makes you happy.

So, if you want real happiness in life then, you need to understand that only you can make yourself happy. The fact is that man has occupied himself with the path to happiness for millennia. Something happened during our evolution that made us deeply question the purpose of our existence. People like Buddha are part of the answer, or at least they try to give us the answer. Since these questions have troubled us there have been many who sought to answer them and by doing so, they formed philosophies and religions. The search for earthly happiness will make many do incredible deeds but if this energy is used in the wrong way it can cause great suffering.

How can we know which recipe for happiness is the best one and what we should devote our time and attention to? The trick is, there is no right answer and as the first sentence of this essay states, there is no way to be happy because being happy is the way. At the expense of sounding Buddhist, when you think about most of the things that make us unhappy are material in nature. They are the things that we really do not need but they make us feel happy. This notion is not just something the wise man from the 6 th century BC India expressed but many more have said this before and after him. Socrates and Jesus to name just a few. What I find interesting in the struggle for happiness is the paradox present in the instructions to reach it.

One has a thought all through life to be good and hard working so he can get the things he wants and needs later on in life but then as you start to struggle for the money you realize that your life is turning into a money grabbing game. So, the source of happiness and stability becomes the source of all your anxiety and aggression. Naturally, we can see how some people thought that all material things stand on the path to our happiness. But what about the immaterial, what if you are in love with someone you are not supposed to love? Is this happiness? Or is it the struggle to do and achieve the impossible the real source of happiness?

People often forget that they are animals and like all of them they have a logic to their nature and their own specific needs. Men has made himself safe from most of the things that could have harmed him in nature but in doing so he forgot what he has made. Think about the present from a historical perspective. Having all of your loved ones around you, with a roof to shelter under and with lots of delicious food is the only source of happiness man needs everything else should just be a bonus. Happiness cannot be found by rejecting everything that is material or by earning more money then you can spend. The trick is to find balance by looking at yourself and the lives of people around you and by understanding that there is a lot to be grateful for, the trick is to stop searching for a path and to understand that we are already walking on one.

As long as we are making any type of list of the prerequisite for our life of happiness, we will end up unsatisfied because life does not grant wishes we are the ones that make them come true. Often the biggest change in our lives comes from a simple change of perspective rather than from anything we can own. Happiness is the state of emotional wellbeing and being contented. Happiness is expressed through joyful moments and smiles. It is a desirable feeling that everybody want to have at all times. Being happy is influenced by situations, achievements and other circumstances. Happiness is an inner quality that reflects on the state of mind. A peaceful state of mind is considered to be happiness. The emotional state of happiness is mixture of feelings of joy, satisfaction, gratitude, euphoria and victory.

Happiness is achieved psychologically through having a peaceful state of mind. By a free state of mind, I mean that there should be no stressful factors to think about. Happiness is also achieved through accomplishment of goals that are set by individuals. There is always happiness that accompanies success and they present feelings of triumph and contentment. To enable personal happiness in life, it is important that a person puts himself first and have good self-perception. Putting what makes you happy first, instead of putting other people or other things first is a true quest towards happiness. In life, people tend to disappoint and putting them as a priority always reduces happiness for individuals.

There is also the concept of practicing self-love and self-acceptance. Loving oneself is the key to happiness because it will mean that it will not be hard to put yourself first when making decisions. It is important for an individual to control the thoughts that goes on in their heads. A peaceful state of mind is achieved when thoughts are at peace. It is recommended that things that cause a stressful state of mind should be avoided. Happiness is a personal decision that is influenced by choices made. Happiness is caused by circumstances and people have the liberty to choose those circumstance and get away from those that make them unhappy.

Happiness is also achieved through the kind of support system that an individual has. Having a family or friends that are supportive will enable the achievement of happiness. Communicating and interacting with the outside world is important. Sleep patterns influence the state of mind thus influence happiness. Having enough sleep always leads to happy mornings and a good state of mind for rest of the day. Sleep that is adequate also affects the appearance of a person. There is satisfaction that comes with having enough sleep. Enough rest increases performance and productivity of an individual and thus more successes and achievements are realized and happiness is experienced.

Another factor affecting happiness is the support network of an individual. A strong support network of family and friends results in more happiness. Establishing good relationships with neighbors, friends and family through regular interactions brings more happiness to an individual. With support network, the incidences of stressful moments will be reduced because your family and friends will always be of help. Sexual satisfaction has been established to affect happiness. It is not just about getting the right partner anymore. It is about having a partner that will satisfy you sexually. There is a relationship between sex and happiness because of the hormones secreted during sexual intercourse.

The hormone is called oxytocin and responsible for the happiness due to sexual satisfaction. Satisfaction also strengthens the relationships between the partners and that creates happiness. Wealth also plays a significant role in happiness. Personally, I believe that being financially stable contributes to happiness because you will always have peace of mind and many achievements. Peace of mind is possible for wealthy people because they do not have stressors here and then compared to poor people. Also, when a person is wealthy, they can afford to engage in luxurious activities that relaxes the mind and create happiness. For a person to be wealthy, they will have had many achievements in life.

These achievement make them happy. A good state of health is an important factor that influences the happiness of individuals. A healthy person will be happy because there are no worries of diseases or pain that they are experiencing. When a person is healthy, their state of mind is at peace because they are not afraid of death or any other health concerns. Not only the health of individuals is important, but also the health of the support system of the person. Having a support system is not enough because people need to communicate and interact freely. Whenever there are interactions like a social gathering where people talk and eat together, more happiness is experienced.

This concept is witnessed in parties because people are always laughing and smiling in parties whenever they are with friends. Communication is key to happiness because it helps in problem solving and relieving stressors in life. Sharing experiences with a support system creates a state of wellbeing after the solution is sought. Sometime when I am sad, I take my phone and call a friend or a family member and by the time the phone call is over, I always feel better and relieved of my worries. Happiness is an important emotion that influences how we live and feel on a daily basis. Happiness is achieved in simple ways. People have the liberty to choose happiness because we are not bound by any circumstances for life.

Factors that influence happiness are those that contribute to emotional wellbeing. Physical wellbeing also affects happiness. Emotions , Happiness , Psychology. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! Join more than 50, subscribers receiving regular updates! Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! Message from Sophia! Like this post? You must be logged in to post a comment. About Us Home About Project Testimonials Contact Us. Facebook Twitter. Sign Up. I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. Let me know what you think about this article. Is it helpful to you? Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me.

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