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Honesty is the best policy essay

Honesty is the best policy essay

There are many bad and good situations in the life honesty is the best policy essay I think almost all of us have been felt that telling truth to our dear ones gives us relief and happiness. Remember me. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. We have provided some simple and easy paragraph and essay on honesty is the best policy in order to help students. This is the point of view of morality. Students are generally get this topic to write something in their school in the exams or any competition like essay writing competition, etc. Some people are very reliable and they hate those who tell lies for any reason.

Long and Short Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy in English

Honesty is the Best Policy Essay for Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, honesty is the best policy essay, 10, 11 and Find paragraph, long and short essay on Honesty is the Best Policy for your Kids, Children and Students. Honesty is the best policy is a proverb that refers to the importance and value of honesty in our life and how it honesty is the best policy essay people who follow it. Students are generally get this topic to write something in their school in the exams or any competition like essay writing competition, etc.

We have provided some simple and easy paragraph and essay on honesty is the best policy in order to help students. So dear students, you can select any honesty is the best policy essay according to the need and interest. Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy. Being honest, loyal and true in the life provides mental peace to the person. Being honest with everyone in our life help us to get mind peace because we do not have to remember the lie which we have told to people in order to save us. Honesty is the best policy means being honest with people in the life.

Being honest help others to always trust on us and show our real character to them which is enough to let them know that we always tell the truth. Being trustworthy helps us to build a strong relationship by assuring others about our trustworthy nature. On the other hand, people who are dishonest never get honesty is the best policy essay chance once they tell lie to people. It happens because people think that they will always be cheated in future by the dishonest person through lots of white lies. Honesty is like a good weapon in the life which benefits us through many advantages and it can be developed naturally without any cost. Honesty gives us everything expected in the life whereas a single lie may ruin our life by ruining relationships.

Being a lie person may lose our all privileges of being trustworthy in the hearth of our family members, friends, and other close ones. So following the saying of honesty is the best policy in the life is good. Honesty is the best policy is a famous saying said by the Benjamin Franklin. Honesty is considered as the honesty is the best policy essay tool of success in the life and a famous person said it as a backbone of the successful relationship which has capability to form a well developed society. Without being honest in the life, honesty is the best policy essay, it becomes very tough to make real and trustworthy friendship or love bond with anyone.

People who are generally used of telling truth can be able to build better relationships and thus better world, honesty is the best policy essay. Some people who do not have dare of telling truth to their dear ones, generally tell lie and face bad situations of being dishonest. On the other hand, saying truth helps in strengthening our character and makes us strong. So, being honest especially with family, friends and other loved ones helps us a lot in many ways all through the life. Honesty is the most effective tool of protecting the relationships. Telling lies just to save the situation can make the condition more worse.

Saying truth always helps us to strengthen the character as well as bring confidence within us. There are many bad and good situations in the life and I think almost all of us have been felt that telling truth to our dear ones gives us relief and happiness. So, according to this saying, being honest is really being a good human being in the life. Benjamin Franklin had truly said the saying of honesty is the best policy. Honesty is considered as the backbone of a successful and well-working relationship. Being honest is very important in the relationship because no relationship honesty is the best policy essay be successful without trust.

Being completely honest in the life is somewhat tough but it goes long way however being dishonest is easy but covers very small and painful path. Being a truthful person in the family and society is like being awarded all through the life by the dear ones as well as nature. Honesty is the tool of living a prestigious life gifted by the God to the humanity. Honesty gives us power to tackle any bad circumstances in the life as people around us trust us and be with us. May be telling white lies give good feeling in the starting however it may badly harm at the end.

History tells us that telling lie never become successful and makes the circumstances worse. Some people do not choose the way of truth because of many reasons or they do not have dare to live with honesty. However some hard times of the life make them realize the importance of honesty. Telling lie may hold us in big problems which we cannot bear, honesty is the best policy essay, so we should be honest and honesty is the best policy essay in our life. According to the most famous saying of honesty is the best policy, being honest in the life lead towards success. Being honest help us to be trusted by the people in our surroundings or closer to us.

Honesty is not only means to tell the truth however it means to care and honour the feeling of the associated people in our life. We should respect everyone without caring their status and talents. If we tell lie to them, we can never win their trust and thus get difficulty in that particular work or project. We can lose faith in them forever because once trust goes, come back hardly. Honest people are always in demand for doing relationship, business or other work. Several bad or good experiences in the life help people to learn more about how to be honest in their dealings with fellowman. Being honest shows the good and clean character of the person as honesty helps to develop quality property in the behavior.

Honesty changes the person from outside as well as inside without giving any harm and keeps the mind very peaceful. A peaceful mind gives satisfaction to the person by making a nice balance among body, mind and spirit. Honest people always live in the heart of people and we can say that in the heart of God. People who are honest always respected in their family and society and become the happiest people in the world. However, a dishonest person always faces difficulty and bad words of the people in society. Honesty and good character are the more valuable property of the honest person than the precious things like silver or gold.

Honesty is the important tool of living a successful life, it never make anyone to feel guilty in the life of doing anything bad with anyone. However, it brings confidence and feeling of well being and thus a peaceful and successful life. Being honest is very important in the life as it solves many problems and lead towards the success and peace. Honesty is the property which gives lots of trust and respect in the life of honest people. Honesty is the best policy is a most famous proverb said by the great person named Benjamin Franklin, honesty is the best policy essay. An honest life with simplicity is the life excluding all the nonessential which marks oneness in the family and society if followed by everyone. Honesty is the good property help to live peaceful life and get success with kind respect.

Being honest helps us to focus on the most important things in the life to us, honesty is the best policy essay. However, without developing the habit of honesty, we cannot achieve simplicity and other goodness in the life. We can say that, honesty can be without simplicity but simplicity cannot be without honesty. Without honesty, we live in the two world, means a true one and other one which we have created as an alternate. However, the person following the saying of honesty is the best policy in all the aspects of life personal, business, job, and other relationships generally live the same life.

On one hand, where honesty lead us towards simplicity; dishonesty lead us towards duplicity. A person with good character, ethics, honesty is the best policy essay, and morality in the life easily develops honesty because a good character person has nothing to hide to anyone thus can be honest easily. Honesty gives us self encouragement without bad feeling. My Hobby Reading Books — Short Essay. Short Speech on School. Short Speech on Sharing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

Notify me of new posts by email. Google Authenticator code. Home Essays Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy. By NMK On Oct 22, 0. Honesty is the Best Policy Essay 1 words Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the Best Policy Essay 2 words Honesty is the best policy means being honest with people in the life. Honesty is the Best Policy Essay 3 words Honesty is the best policy is a famous saying said by the Benjamin Franklin. You might also like. Prev Next. Leave A Reply. Sign in. Welcome, Login to your account. Forget password? Remember me. Sign in Recover your password. A password will be e-mailed to you.

higher education essays

Honesty is a very rare quality. Therefore it is greatly valued. It teaches us to be fair and square in our dealings. An honest person is not only respected but also trusted in society. He makes big gains and carves a place in the hearts of people around him. A man may become rich overnight by dishonest means but that richness does not last long. Honesty makes man self-confident and bold. He does not feel afraid of anybody. He moves about with his head held high in the air. Honesty is a long-termed investment. On the other dishonesty is a vice. It breeds corruption. It causes a moral fall of the people.

The fruit of dishonesty is bitter. Dishonest persons suffer mentally. Outwardly they may look happy but inwardly they are not at peace with themselves. They are not contented with what they have. Their sins haunt them. No doubt the number of dishonest persons is far greater than those of honest persons, honesty still remains the best policy. Without honesty, we would be termed characterless. Honesty is one of the building blocks of good character and character is what establishes who we are and what we are going to achieve. Honesty is the cornerstone of character. If one is found wanting in honesty, he will be found lacking in character as well. Honesty is not always the easiest way out of a situation. However, for the brave-hearted who do not seek ways -out of situations, it is the only way to deal with a situation or a crisis.

Often being honest can mean coming under the wrath of others. There might be the fear of a backlash but one must keep in mind that in the end truth always prevails and honesty is the best policy. It might not be the easiest thing: being honest, but it is the only thing to be. Sometimes when faced with dire consequences one is inclined to be dishonest because it takes courage, to be honest. While dishonesty may provide an easy exit out of a sticky situation, it is just a matter of time before the lies catch up. When that happens, you lose your credibility and people mistrust you forever. It is difficult to trust someone you have lost faith in. There are lies and then there are white lies. White lies are perceived as lies that are harmless hence people are often prone to using them.

Being honest is difficult especially when you have something to lose like maybe a job, a promotion, the love and respect of a loved one. Taking the help of a white lie seems the easier way out. However, one lie leads to another, and, before long you are entangled in a web of lies that you find increasingly difficult to come out of. Honesty may be a difficult virtue to maintain but it is the only right thing to do. If a friend has bad breath, there is no reason to embarrass her with the truth by telling her she has bad breath. The best way to deal with this situation would be to play down the brutality of the truth.

The truth however hard to say must be adhered to always. In the long run, it is the best policy. Over a period of time, one will gain a reputation for being honest. And this will prove to be the building block of success. An honest person will be sought for his opinion. An honest man will always receive more responsibility at home and at work. So when you have erred coming clean is the only option. You may be punished for it, you might have to bear the consequences of it, but if you are honest you will earn the forgiveness and respect of those around you. Honesty is undoubtedly the best policy. A policy is changeable, unlike a principle that is not. You cannot change the principle even if it causes loss. You suffer and even lay down your life for a principle.

On the other hand, policy 1s just a matter of convenience. It is more businesslike and more inclined to think in terms of profit and loss. Should then honesty restrict itself to just being a policy or should it be made into a principle 2. The answer to this question is that honesty should be made into a principle of life. In the long run, honesty proves to be the best wealth. A person possessing it acquires the strength of character and high esteem in the eyes of society. Honesty is also necessary for real happiness. Dishonesty may bring wealth and influence but it can never make a person happy. At no point in his life will a dishonest person be able to free himself from the consequences of his actions.

Hence he will never be truly happy and content. Fear of being caught and punished for his dishonest acts haunts him and he is never totally free from it. Similarly, a public servant needs honesty. You cannot become a great leader without honesty. This virtue gives him the strength to do his duty towards the citizens of the country. As a dishonest leader, you may become rich and powerful. But there is every possibility that your actions will catch up with you and make you suffer. The cloud of dishonesty may hide the Sun of honesty for a period of time. It cannot however hide it forever.

This proves the greatness of honesty from which no one can escape. We should always be sincere in the work we do. It is, nevertheless, very difficult to accept honest means of livelihood. It is frequently seen that people generally take up unfair ways to become rich. On the other hand, those who pursue the path of honesty are frequently seen stressed in life to satisfy their meager needs. All these might have a bad effect on the nerves of honest people and they might take to other ways to earn by unfair ways. But, we should keep in mind that money earned by unfair means never brings joy. A man who adopts truthful ways to earn his livelihood might spend a life of poverty but he is always contented.

He is far superior to an affluent person who has collected a lot of wealth by taking up fraudulent means. Gandhi Ji always preached to us to lead a happy and contented life by being truthful. At present, our society has been trapped by fraudulent people, who in just a few years want to become rich. Thus, we can see it is really difficult to lead an honest life among the fraudulent people all around. In spite of so many fraudulent people, honest men still thrive and lead their life with honest means of livelihood. Trust and faith are two important virtues essential for healthy human relationships.

That is so, because of our many limitations. Despite the remarkable progress, we have made so far in acquiring knowledge, much of our potential is unknown to us, and many of our shortcomings remain unconquered. We can be easily deceived, and since deceptions cannot be easily detected beforehand, they create friction in our relationships with others. Moreover, deceptions undermine our sense of security and threaten our very survival. Honesty and sincerity are the qualities necessary to safeguard ourselves against insecurity and should indeed be the foundations of our relations with others. Thanks again ��. Yeah really this essay is so nice. It helped me to know more about honesty. Good keep posting essays like this.

It helped me to complete my presentation. Your email address will not be published. About Vision Website Inauguration Function. Vocational Placement Cell Inauguration Media Coverage. Secondary Hindi Sr. It happens because people think that they will always be cheated in future by the dishonest person through lots of white lies. Honesty is like a good weapon in the life which benefits us through many advantages and it can be developed naturally without any cost. Honesty gives us everything expected in the life whereas a single lie may ruin our life by ruining relationships. Being a lie person may lose our all privileges of being trustworthy in the hearth of our family members, friends, and other close ones.

So following the saying of honesty is the best policy in the life is good. Honesty is the best policy is a famous saying said by the Benjamin Franklin. Honesty is considered as the best tool of success in the life and a famous person said it as a backbone of the successful relationship which has capability to form a well developed society. Without being honest in the life, it becomes very tough to make real and trustworthy friendship or love bond with anyone. People who are generally used of telling truth can be able to build better relationships and thus better world. Some people who do not have dare of telling truth to their dear ones, generally tell lie and face bad situations of being dishonest.

On the other hand, saying truth helps in strengthening our character and makes us strong. So, being honest especially with family, friends and other loved ones helps us a lot in many ways all through the life. Honesty is the most effective tool of protecting the relationships. Telling lies just to save the situation can make the condition more worse. Saying truth always helps us to strengthen the character as well as bring confidence within us. There are many bad and good situations in the life and I think almost all of us have been felt that telling truth to our dear ones gives us relief and happiness.

So, according to this saying, being honest is really being a good human being in the life. Benjamin Franklin had truly said the saying of honesty is the best policy. Honesty is considered as the backbone of a successful and well-working relationship. Being honest is very important in the relationship because no relationship can be successful without trust. Being completely honest in the life is somewhat tough but it goes long way however being dishonest is easy but covers very small and painful path. Being a truthful person in the family and society is like being awarded all through the life by the dear ones as well as nature.

Honesty is the tool of living a prestigious life gifted by the God to the humanity. Honesty gives us power to tackle any bad circumstances in the life as people around us trust us and be with us. May be telling white lies give good feeling in the starting however it may badly harm at the end. History tells us that telling lie never become successful and makes the circumstances worse. Some people do not choose the way of truth because of many reasons or they do not have dare to live with honesty. However some hard times of the life make them realize the importance of honesty. Telling lie may hold us in big problems which we cannot bear, so we should be honest and trustworthy in our life. According to the most famous saying of honesty is the best policy, being honest in the life lead towards success.

Being honest help us to be trusted by the people in our surroundings or closer to us. Honesty is not only means to tell the truth however it means to care and honour the feeling of the associated people in our life. We should respect everyone without caring their status and talents. If we tell lie to them, we can never win their trust and thus get difficulty in that particular work or project. We can lose faith in them forever because once trust goes, come back hardly. Honest people are always in demand for doing relationship, business or other work. Several bad or good experiences in the life help people to learn more about how to be honest in their dealings with fellowman.

Being honest shows the good and clean character of the person as honesty helps to develop quality property in the behavior. Honesty changes the person from outside as well as inside without giving any harm and keeps the mind very peaceful. A peaceful mind gives satisfaction to the person by making a nice balance among body, mind and spirit. Honest people always live in the heart of people and we can say that in the heart of God. People who are honest always respected in their family and society and become the happiest people in the world. However, a dishonest person always faces difficulty and bad words of the people in society.

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