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Leadership essay sample

Leadership essay sample

Sample of Leadership Essay Type leadership essay sample paper: Essays Subject: Personal Words: Authoritarian leadership styles can enhance organizational culture at an organization by enhancing downward communication. The style can be easily abused by leaders since they can adopt dictatorial tendencies, leadership essay sample. The main aim of internal communications is promoting the unity of purpose in an organization. I felt comfortable with my performance; finishing without embarrassing myself was good enough for me. By focusing on employees the style creates a better organizational culture. He also has lots of referent power due to the strong bonds between him and his soldiers; his soldiers credit him for their survival and ability to fight for what they believe in.

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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: LeadershipAmericaUnited StatesIdentityPeopleVisionKnowledgeProfessionalism. The Transformational Leadership Program has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life and I have learnt lifelong lessons that will make me a better professional and person. I can look back at this time in my life as one that challenged me to think outside of my own world view and to become aware of what is really required to fulfill a vision of a better future. I have always been aware of some discrimination against African Americans but I have never really known how to overcome these inequalities and have always looked at these inequalities as impossible to overcome.

I now have a better knowledge of myself, leadership essay sample, my goals and what is required for becoming leadership essay sample leader I can possibly be. I see inequalities as a source of curiosity and exploration of theory to inform leadership for African Americans. The three key points of learning that have had the most impact on my own leadership development focus on the realities of potential of being an African American. Transcending racial inequality through leadership, networking but also emanating a strong charisma and personal identity is a theme in this discussion, leadership essay sample.

Understanding the way that social identity interacts with personal identity is also an important way of creating harmony as a professional and individual. Why do African Americans face so many challenges that other citizens do not? Why do African Americans have a lower standard of living and have traditionally been less prominent in leadership leadership essay sample throughout the country? The reality is that African Americans are positioned differently in society because of their race and always have leadership essay sample. The structures, institutions and polices of governments either intentionally or leadership essay sample distributed more benefits for some and burdens to others.

This if often as a result of ignorance, lack of well thought out research or practical experience. For example, there is often concentrated poverty in some neighborhoods resulting in segregation, increases the poverty gap, lowers education and continues the cycle of poverty. This shows in the amount of money that black people make compared to white people. Such barriers may seem overwhelming in material terms however the right knowledge of leadership, networking and relationships while dismissing material burdens can help African Americans to see beyond structural, institutional and policy inequalities, leadership essay sample.

Becoming aware of the values of a self-making person and having the attitude that everyone is responsible for their own fate is one of the most important lessons that African Americans can learn. Relationships, networking and charisma are ways of showing interest in the goals and interests of others. It can also help with overcoming many racial barriers that prevent a person from being self-making. It requires the correct knowledge and judgement of the audience in order to show leadership characteristics. This may start as something small in a volunteer or community capacity and result in new opportunities for personal and career growth.

Leadership works alongside a strong identity that can overcome the duo consciousness or veil of being an African American. Despite this conflict, leadership essay sample, African Americans have always been able to see past these barriers and follow or create a vision despite overwhelming odds. The Civil Rights Movement demonstrated an almost unbelievable capacity for leadership in the face of violence and prejudice. Leaders of this movement did not achieve their status through networks, relationships charisma and a strong sense of identity alone. They also knew that leaders require a strong vision and people to fulfill that vision that believe it no matter what the obstacles are.

The management of this vision involved risk and some people were better at managing than creating the vision. This can be applied equally to the business world or to activities in the community. At the core of Civil Rights Movement was the need for a very strong personal identity of all the leaders, leadership essay sample. A strong personal identity will make one stay true to themselves in any situation and help find harmony between the duo consciousness explained by Dubois but also the conflicts between personal and social identity. Leadership essay sample is made all the more difficult in situations where the structures, policies and institutions define one by their race.

Just like the Civil Rights Movement many African Americans are entering the corporate world that is an unfamiliar one not created with African American culture in mind. This environment poses many challenges related to language and expressing African culture. Should one assimilate or stay true to personal identity that includes culture and language? A purpose gives one power and allows one to make a valuable contribution while grounding an individual. It defines yourself on your terms as opposed to others defining your life.

This makes room for self-determination. Leadership is not just for high level employees, it is required at all levels of an organization and within our society. Leaders can emerge when others need direction and the leader leadership essay sample share their expertise and knowledge for getting group of people to achieve a goal. The role of leadership is also changing in many organizations leadership essay sample the expertise of some individuals is called upon by senior staff through networks of people with access to technology. The old paradigm was to have a designated leader or manager but the reality was that many did not have the expertise or time to attain the knowledge of some issues. There are now many opportunities for African Americans to show their leadership qualities in the workplace leadership essay sample to use technology and networking to display their expertise and to be the self-making person.

TLP has equipped me with methods that can assist me with moving towards my personal and professional leadership goals. It has helped explain why some of the discrimination of being an African American exists. I have now been leadership essay sample with strategies to overcome these barriers and to look at the disadvantages as barriers that can be overcome by simple steps required of leadership. It has taught me to take simple steps in order to become a leader and to stop looking at the big picture or material gains, leadership essay sample. Instead it is possible to create a vision and to take small steps towards that vision eventually resulting in material and careers goals.

I compare the scenario to being the captain of a football team trying to lead your team against the current champions of the league The captain recognizes how difficult it is to win without doing any preparation for overcoming the barriers. She or he must look at strategy and a winning formula. It may take 20 years to win but inevitably there will be a time when the captain can catch up, learn the tricks and build a strong team around you as a captain. This program has taught me to see beyond material gains and prestige in order to attain my goals.

Instead it has made me look at leadership as a way of empowering oneself and others around you but and show my expertise and knowledge without compromising your personal identity. Leadership begins at all levels of an organization and happens when people need direction. There are opportunities of giving people direction in many different organizations but it is often not easy to be accepted into these places because of structural, institutional and policy inequalities. I now know that it is possible leadership essay sample that it requires charisma, leadership essay sample, networking and relationship building and a good judgment of the audience in order to do this. African American are well positioned to take advantage of the much more informal management structures that take advantage of expertise and technology in companies.

Our history of change in America has always relied on a vision of a better future and a knowledge of leadership is a winning formula for putting the step in place to fulfill our personal larger vision of a better future for our people, leadership essay sample. I take the role of leadership very seriously and have a theoretical knowledge to inform my practical ambitions of starting my own business and becoming a highly educated accountant. I realize leadership essay sample it may be difficult to get a job and as I become better at the job I will be met with issues of duo consciousness that questions my own ethnicity in the face of being leadership essay sample American as well as an African American.

so I will do a number of things to increase my chances of leadership essay sample in my field without compromising my personal identity, leadership essay sample. I will continue to embrace my personal identity that includes not only my African American history but also the religion and customs that we as people embrace. I will continue to practice religion and know that my self-determination comes from my god given talents, leadership essay sample. This is important because it gives me a firm anchoring point of family and community leadership essay sample is part of who I am leadership essay sample helps me to keep perspective. However, there are some things about my personal identity that may not necessary be accepted in the workplace and is an example of a barriers that is mostly leadership essay sample and ignorant of race.

For example, the way that I use African American language may not be accepted in some workplaces and I need a strategy that can keep harmony between my personal and social identity. I believe that networking with white students and joining as many extracurricular activities as possible at college prepares me more for Dubois Duo consciousness dilemma. I have the opportunity to see how my language is perceived by other and to observe how white people interact and talk to each other. It does not necessarily mean that I will speak and interact the same leadership essay sample but understand how I can find a harmony between my personal and social identity. I will build business relationships with my African American and white American friends but also take interest in any volunteer or work activities and show interest in this without being overbearing and judging the audience well.

I believe strongly in lifelong learning and I will continue this philosophy as I become a better business person and accountant. I will also try to use contacts from my own business to work as a corporate accountant and to continue network and making relationships. I want to improve my chances of getting a senior position by taking on responsibilities and showing leadership in all the positions that I work in so that I can build a team of followers. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out leadership essay sample removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner.

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These might be cognitive abilities, psychological traits, professional qualities, and a lot more, and all of them will be either acquired or innate. Based on the importance of leadership qualities, such as commitment, stress resistance, and the ability to make quality decisions, it is reasonable to claim that leaders are made, not born. One can deem commitment as one of the top fundamental qualities of the leader. In essence, such a feature indicates that a person is passionate about the common goal, strives to be a team player, and makes every effort to reach a shared goal. As the history shows, none of the successful companies was uncoordinated by an influential, committed leader: Apple, Amazon, Microsoft — all of these companies are examples of dominant teams led by a dedicated leader.

A committed leader also inspires his or her team to achieve common goals and put more effort into the shared activity. Besides, commitment is unlikely to be an innate feature; it instead comes with experience. This is so, since commitment implies dedicating oneself to the shared task, and one can reach it only via learning and continuous self-improvement. Stress resistance is another incredibly important feature that every good leader should possess. This is because only a stress-resistant leader has sufficient capabilities to overcome any complexity and not let the anxiety and stress prevent him or her from making proper decisions. Besides, such a leader will most likely have a positive influence on the team, as long as leading by example will motivate the team members to attain the same emotional stability.

However, although some researchers admit that emotional stability is something one is born with, it is not entirely true; many people still put a great effort into self-improvement, changing the attitude to unfortunate situations, and so on. Therefore, being resistant to stress can be mostly attributed to a personality. In particular, such quality is incredibly fundamental for a company of any size and professional orientation. Additionally, it is one of the top tasks of a good leader to make final decisions. What he or she should do implies brainstorming, discussing various opinions in the group, making forecasts, analyzing all the pros and cons. However, the leader is the one to make a final decision.

As it flows logically from the latter, an ability to make sound quality decisions is purely a professional quality. This leads to the conclusion that one has to work hard to become a genuine leader and master the skill of making effective decisions. Overall, the leader may possess a multitude of different skills and master them perfectly. However, what has so far become transparent is that any leader, regardless of which team he leads, must possess three essential qualities. These qualities are commitment to the common goal, ability to handle and resist stress, and, finally, an ability to make effective decisions. All of the three qualities are most likely to be acquired over a lifetime. The statement below leads to the conclusion that even though some qualities can be innate, most are not the ones that leaders are born with.

Hence, this answers an essential question: leadership feature is acquired, and not necessarily inborn. When coming up with your next leadership essay topic, it is imperative to brainstorm ideas and think of what leadership might be related to. If you are struggling with a topic of the importance of leadership essay or any relevant type of essay, you may quickly take a look at some of the possible topics we prepared for you:. Linguistics is an English language category that deals with logical dialectal analysis and interpretation. It seeks to reveal the form, meaning, and context of language. While most college students may perceive linguistics as a simple subject, it is pretty complex.

English tutors might issue topics in linguistics in various disciplines like phonology or semantics, which leaves many learners grappling to tackle the research papers. Astronomy is the study of the universe and the physical entities surrounding it. These celestial objects include the moon, sun, stars, planets, comets, and meteorites. It incorporates several subject disciplines that allow students to understand the concept of the course. That is why it provides an extensive foundation for research papers in colleges and universities. Astronomy is an exciting subject with broad, complex topics.

Since the subject concentrates on the universe and space, most students find the themes unfamiliar and confusing. Food is a sensitive topic since it impacts human lives directly. As experts say, you are what you eat is indeed true that the meals you consume can either build or weaken your immune system. Careful diet selection affects your health immensely. You need to eat nutritious meals to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lower the risks of various diseases. That is why there are numerous diet courses and programs offered in colleges and universities. Articles Bloggers Guides Samples. Samples 27 August, 12 minutes read Author: Richard Pircher. What is a good leadership essay? How to write a Leadership essay? Introduction Of course, your leadership essay introduction will always vary depending on the topic of the essay.

Body Paragraphs You will need to divide the main body into paragraphs to make the structure more comprehensive. Conclusion As you may already know, you need to restate your opinion and briefly summarize all the points from the main body in conclusion. Leadership Essay Examples Writing a leadership essay requires some research and time. Is leadership an inborn or an acquired feature? If you are struggling with a topic of the importance of leadership essay or any relevant type of essay, you may quickly take a look at some of the possible topics we prepared for you: What are the main qualities of the leader?

Successful Time Management as a feature of an effective leader The role that rhetoric plays in leadership The most exceptional leader in the history of the th century The role of female leadership What are the challenges of the leader of the st century? How college helps students develop leadership skills? Dictatorship as an anti-example of leadership Liberal vs Authoritative leadership: which one works better? Leadership style is the means to which a leader achieves the set goals. It entails how a leader can motivate a team towards the realization of certain set objectives. Different leadership styles are adapted to different situations. The leadership styles include authoritarian and relational leadership styles. An ideal leadership style is important for any organization.

The paper focusses on various leadership styles and how they can be used to effect an excellent organizational culture for a business through internal communication. Authoritarian leadership styles is a method employed by leaders when implementing policies. A leader who uses this leadership style solely decides the policies that are to be applied and directs on the goals of the organization. The subordinates are left to take and act on what the leader prescribes and have little or no role in decision making. The leader has total control over the group, and the subjects have a little freedom. Autocratic leaders employ the leadership style.

Authoritarian leaders have to direct on the vision and ways in which the organization can achieve the mission effectively. Authoritarian leaders also enforce strictness by ensuring that there are set rules to be followed. Under this leadership style, there is a huge gap between the leader and the followers. It was invented in the early days when the world was divided into tribes and empires. During this times, the emperor or the tribal head had total control of his or her subjects. The leader directed his subjects solely and had no room for the subjects to participate.

The leadership style is employed today in industries that require minimal errors. Such industries include the construction sector, the healthcare industry, and some manufacturing industries. When all the power rests with the leaders, the followers have no room for making errors. The leaders who employ this style makes independent decisions. The rest of the group plays no role in the decision-making. There is little creativity in the decisions made because the decisions solely rely on the leader alone. The style can be easily abused by leaders since they can adopt dictatorial tendencies. The style is, however, effective since it reduced the time spent making decisions.

Instead of the decisions being discussed the method proposes that the leader imposes decisions based on his or her judgment. It reduces bureaucracy and enhances fast decision making. Authoritarian leaders subscribe to the view that followers have to be supervised at all times. It hence aligns with Theory X leadership theory. The style suggests that people must be intimidated and forced to work at all times. The method employs downward communication pattern where the leader communicates one way to the subordinates. The manager controls the subordinates and dominates any discussions held. He or she sets policies independently and directs on how each task should be completed.

Authoritarian leadership styles can enhance organizational culture at an organization by enhancing downward communication. The leader has to explain rules to subordinates to ensure that they complete the tasks given effectively. The manager also needs to be very consistent so that the subordinates will take tasks given seriously. Consistency will also ensure that employees at an organization trust their leaders. The belief transforms the organizational culture in the port by ensuring that employees attend to their tasks. The leader also needs to respect his or her subordinates. The respect provides that the subordinates get recognized for tasks they accomplish efficiently. The assistants also need to be effectively educated. The education ensures that they are no surprises which may be an obstacle to communication.

The leader needs also to hear the contribution of his or her subordinates even if he or she does not necessarily use them in the decision-making process. Listening to the subordinates eliminates the feeling of dictatorship and ensures that the subordinates are motivated. Active application of authoritarian Leadership style will ensure that the organization is transformed through an increase in productivity and fast decision making since it is a large organization. Relational leadership style is the style that aims at building relationship among team members.

A leader who employs this technique aims at motivating and satisfying team members with the aim of achieving the set goals as a team. The leadership style aims at making the best of teamwork within an organization. The welfare of individual members is prioritized by the leader of the team. The style also entails giving of incentives to the subordinates. The manager also provides mediation in case of work-related conflicts and creates a conducive environment for every worker. The leader helps the workers to perform the given duties diligently. Relational leadership aims at building a strong relationship between the leader and the subordinates. Relationship-oriented leaders aim at less supervision of the team members and encourage team members to be self-driven.

They hence aim at reducing conflicts and creating a positive environment where workers feel comfortable. Giving autonomy to the subordinates ensures that creative solutions are derived in the decision-making process. The method encourages both upward and downward communication techniques. Subordinates can communicate to the team leaders, and team leaders can communicate to the subordinates. It also supports communication among employees by encouraging teamwork. Teamwork results in a better organizational culture and transforms productivity. The leadership style is employee oriented and hence encourages employees to be more productive.

By focusing on employees the style creates a better organizational culture. Internal communication in an organization refers to the effective communication among the members of an individual group. It involves the communication between employees themselves and also the communication between employees and the management. The main aim of internal communications is promoting the unity of purpose in an organization. It forms a backbone of any organization and ensures that all employees work towards a particular goal.

Unity of purpose leads to the increase in productivity and profitability of a firm. An organizational culture defines the values and beliefs that govern how people behave in an organization.

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