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War on terror essay

War on terror essay

Bibliography Campo, Juan E. Therefore, war on terror essay, the long-term aim of the U. Such intervention has historically proven to generate more harm The argument regarding weapons of mass destruction was one of the most argued points; however, there was much debate as to whether these alleged weapons of mass destruction even existed Iraq Survey Group Cincinnati, OH: Atomic Dog Publishing. The Anticipatory Self Defence of the Usa against Terrorists International Law Essay Introduction The United States of America has suffered various terrorist actions over the last three decades [1]. War While the United States of America Words: Length: 2 Pages Document War on terror essay Term Paper Paper :

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And there are those who go so far as to blame it for the problems in Pakistan. Indeed, war on terror essay, […]. Introduction The United States of America has suffered various terrorist actions over the last three decades [1]. The military involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq was a hunt for terrorism: The United States involvement in Afghanistan started with the September 11,terrorist attacks on New York war on terror essay Washington, war on terror essay, D. which brought the world together in unity against a global threat by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. The United States was asked by […]. Border controls are measures taken by a country or multiple countries to monitor its borders in order to regulate the movement of people, animals and goods.

The war on terror essay on terror shows that the criminal justice system faces many ethical hurdles when it comes to terrorism and counter-terrorism. Professionals in this specialty will face many decisions that will test their moral values that can consist of citizens security, freedom, privacy, and even their human rights. Ethical decision making plays a vital role […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on War on terror prepared by our war on terror essay. The Anticipatory Self Defence of the Usa against Terrorists International Law Essay Introduction The United States of America has suffered various terrorist actions over the last three decades [1].

Comparison of Afghanistan War and Iraq War The military involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq was a hunt for terrorism: The United States involvement in Afghanistan started with the September 11,terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D. Detention of Suspected Terrorists Border controls are measures taken by a country or multiple countries to monitor its borders in order to regulate the movement of people, animals and goods. The War on Terror The war on terror shows that the criminal justice system faces many ethical hurdles when it comes to terrorism and counter-terrorism. Didn't find the paper that you were looking for? Any subject. Pay if satisfied.

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These 22 member-states have a combined population of million, occupying 5. The concept of the League was originated by the ritish in when they intended to use Arab countries against the Axis powers during World War II. ut the intent did not materialize until March after the War. The preoccupation of the League at the time was to liberate colonized Arab countries and to prevent the Jewish minority in Palestine from turning it into…. Bibliography Associated Press Staff Why War? Arab League Chief Warns U. Against Wider War. Associated Press. Profile: Arab League. BBC co. stm Bhadui, A. Arab League Turns on Itself. Asia Times: Asia Times Online Ltd. html Bush, G. Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East. Compilation of Presidential Documents. Government Printing Office: Gale Group.

Defeating Islamic Terrorism According to Chan , in his article "Defeating Islamic terrorism," to win the war against terror, the U. must wage a battle for the hearts and minds of people living in the Muslim world, not simply fight the battle on the level of a military conflict. A largely negative perception of the U. In the Middle East has stoked the fires of radicalism and without counterbalancing that mindset the U. will always be fighting radical fundamentalist groups, even if it successfully defeats every last member of Al Qaeda. However, the U. must also be aware of the fact that to build trust it must reach out to Muslim moderates.

Physically, the effort to defeat terrorist groups in the short-term has been more successful than long-term efforts Chan The Islamic world has been difficult for the U. To understand because it is not monolithic although it is…. Reference Chan, W. Defeating Islamic terrorism. USAWC Strategy Research Project. Rights of Enemy Combatants hat rights to enemy combatants have when in United States custody? hat are the rules of war in that regard according to the Geneva Accords? This paper uses scholarly publications to examine the aforementioned important issues.

Clearly the U. attempt at the administration of justice with regard to enemy combatants -- an invented term that had no legal standing until the High Court accepted it -- has failed miserably. The image of the United States, the world's most visible democracy, has been sullied by the continuing saga of the way enemy combatants have been treated. The rights of enemy combatant prisoners at Guantanamo President Obama vowed during his first few days in office that he would work to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within a year -- but that plan has not worked out for the president. As late as February 23, , Obama…. Works Cited Cutler, L. Enemy Combatants and Guantanamo: The Rule of Law and Law of War Post Frakt, D.

Persuasion in Civil Rights Advocacy: Lessons Learned in Representing Guantanamo Detainees. Michigan State Law Review, 4 , A another fear of MD proliferation was through Soviet "brain drain. First, most chemical and biological scientists who departed the Soviet Union have emigrated to the United States, Britain, Israel, and Germany for commercial jobs. Second, there is no evidence to suggest that scientists have alternately gone to Libya, Syria, North Korea, or Iraq to sell their weapons expertise. Third, some…. Works Cited Ackerman, Spencer. But the White House Won't Answer a Simple Yes-or-No Question about Permanent Bases, and the Situation Keeps Getting Worse.

So Pentagon Brass Are Planning -- and Building-for the Very Long Haul. American Policy and Islam; Attack on Iraq Will Hurt War on Terrorism. Cohn, Marjorie. This works stated problem is effectively addressed as it leads the reader to a logical conclusion that the problem of terrorism is ideological, rather than military and secular and that the West and the Middle East in their collective denial of change create even greater conflict and in fact feed the fire of extremism, on the one hand through heavy handed action and on the other through inaction and outside blame. The heavy emphasis of the "war on terror" as one that can somehow be magically resolved by a secular and military intervention from the West is not only irrational but it is counter productive in that it simply reiterates long held hatreds toward the West as aggressive and threatening to the way of life in the Islamic world.

The purpose of the article to call both sides to a more logical point of action is very clear and logically…. Additionally there is no research base to this article, as it is mostly opinion based, with no intention of researching a hypothesis, but rather stating one for the utilization of other researchers and experts to begin from. The work does focus a great deal of direct attention on one single aspect of terrorism as the only global threat, from this standpoint it the work could be considered macroanalytic. The results of this work, again ar limited as it is largely an opinion work that stresses logical findings of one expert on the subject.

The summation of the article, can again be demonstrative of the major point of the work, demonstrating through a logical flow that the source of the problem of Islamic extremism can only be dealt with at that source, and only after the region acknowledges such a threat as both internal and global, and stops associating all ills, on an ideological and political level with the interventions both current and historical of the West. Anthony B. ar on Terrorism vs. The Bill of Rights Conveniently capitalizing on the fear of another terrorist attack, the United States Department of Defense and other branches of the federal government have erected a series of security measures since September The most notable of these is the so-called USA PATRIOT Act HR , passed in October of The whopping acronym stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.

PATRIOT Act permits wiretapping without judicial orders, deportation of legal residents of the United States based on mere suspicion, secret searches of citizens' offices and homes, and a slew of other invasive measures. Many of the permissible acts included in the U. PATRIOT Act are discriminatory. Obviously, there is nothing "patriotic" about violating Fourth Amendment rights or stripping ordinary citizens from their basic civil liberties. In the name…. Works Cited Herman, Susan. Patriot Act and the U. Department of Justice: Losing Our Balances? December 3, McCullagh, Declan. October html Mueller, Robert S. February 11, htm Shapiro, Steven R. October 3, Diplomacy: The establishing of healthy diplomatic relationships with other nations is an important tool in guaranteeing a safer nation with peace.

In efforts aimed at improving the diplomatic ties with some Middle East countries like Pakistan, the United States embarked on strategies of cooling hostilities with these countries. For a long period, some Middle East countries have been considered as nations which sponsor terrorism particularly against the United States. This notion has always contributed to diplomatic hostilities between the United States and these countries. Diplomacy is an effective way of fighting terrorism that yields positive results. For instance, the improvement of diplomatic ties between the U. And Pakistan has transformed the public image of the U.

The United States has also continued to strengthen friendly ties with most of its friendly and non-friendly nations like the South Korea, a hardliner in its bid to developing nuclear weapons. Due to the…. Works Cited: Beinart, Peter. Time Inc. Kessler, Glenn. Drops North Korea From Terrorism List. The Washington Post Company, 12 Oct. Taylor, Francis X. org, Nov. Even governments who supported the use of force, most notably Britain, did not support the regime change. position, author Robert J. Lieber justifies the preemptive and preventive use of force by the American policymakers: "militant Islamic terrorism plus weapons of mass destruction pose a threat and require us to alter the way we think about the preemptive and even preventive use of force.

officials as the primary cause for invading Iraq in March , the author affirms that "despite the subsequent bloodshed, chaos and insurgency, resort to force against Saddam Hussein was a lesser evil because of the dangerous long-term strategic threat he posed to the region and to U. national interests" Lieber, introduction. Therefore, it can be argued that invoking humanitarian reasons for invading Iraq was in fact, a pretext for deeper, more profound regime and political change…. What was the aim of the counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan? Because the US lacked an adequate iSTART framework going into its counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan, the result….

This did not occur, and that in fact flawed the structure and strength of the strategic plan that was in place. This further affirms that stated in the answer to the memo; restructuring was needed. Combined forces were needed, better training and efforts in support of the military were needed. Most of all there was and is still a need for reunification of forces. The memo discusses the importance of forces coming together and supporting and sustaining the views of the UN and its principles, not only would this give everyone involved a more global perspective it will also allow all parties an opportunity to focus their initiatives in unison. There is a need for unification, support, boosting of military morale, and various other initiatives.

A fresh perspective is always a great first step. eference Smith, D. Your October 16, Memo e: Global War on…. Reference Smith, D. Your October 16, Memo Re: Global War on Terrorism. Memo, pp. Contemporary Political Issue: The War on Terror Introduction On September 20th, , President George W. Bush proposed the new Office of Homeland Security to help confront a new threat to national security in the first step of what became the War on Terrorism Select Committee on Homeland Security, Though President Trump ran a campaign on getting American soldiers out of the Middle East and letting other countries handle the ISIS threat, the war on terror rhetoric out of the White House has continued unabated, with sights now set….

It is difficult to state that the national security apparatus is underperforming when you have clear statistical results: no attacks in the last five years. This means that something must be functioning at full parameters there and that the informational community is also operating with those in other countries to obtain these results the attacks planned for London and stopped are a good example in this sense. On the other hand, a counter argument to this statement is that the war is not against national terrorism: it is a global war on global terrorism, the U.

have pledged to wipe out terrorism on a global scale and this, as shown in the article, is not yet giving full results. Indeed, the attacks in London and Madrid are a good example in this sense, if we consider only some of the most important cases of extremist Arab terrorism. As to the…. Bibliography 1. Foreign Policy and the Center for American Progress. The Terrorism Index. html Foreign Policy and the Center for American Progress. On the Internet at. Fallout A section of commentators have taken issue with the manner in which the federal government denied suspected terrorist the due process of law as stipulated under the constitution.

The government even commissioned the establishment of a torture chamber in Guantanamo Bay. This amounts to gross violation of human rights and civil liberties. There is another clause in the patriot act dubbed "enhanced surveillance procedures," which allows federal authorities to gather foreign intelligence by breaching firewalls of 'terrorist nations. A section of scholars argues that key players in the oil industry manipulated the United States to wage war against Afghanistan. According to an article published on the BBC World Service in December , the execution of Saddam Hussein was unwarranted. Political scientists reckon that a cartel of multinational oil companies wanted to control the oil in….

Van Bergen, J. Luca, B American foreign policy and global governance, in A. Gobbicchi ed. Oxford University Press. ar in Afghanistan After the terrorist group al Qaeda attacked the United States on September 11, , the American military was sent to Afghanistan to attack the Taliban, and destroy their governing position. The Taliban became the target of the U. because they had allowed Osama bin Laden to use their country as a training ground for terrorist activities directed against the United States. is now bogged down in what seems to be an unwinnable war against Taliban insurgents that cross the border from Pakistan. Moreover, there are militants in Afghanistan who object to foreign troops being in their country, and they have apparently joined with the insurgents and continue fighting the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

This paper reviews the historical and contemporary causes of the war in Afghanistan, and critiques the positive outcomes as well as the negative outcomes of the U. engagement in…. Works Cited Associated Press. Suicide Bombers Kill Worshippers In Afghanistan. This is an article that brought to light the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, in specifics the proverbial suicide bomber situation, where an radical Islamic terrorist is willing to blow himself up in order to kill others. In this case the people killed with fellow Muslims -- worse yet, he killed people exiting a mosque following their worship services -- but clearly the message to the world was this: the NATO and U.

presence in Afghanistan will never stop terrorists from doing whatever they want to do whenever they wish to do it. Baktash, Hashmat, and Magnier, Mark. Suicide bombing in Kabul kills as many as 13 Americans. Los Angeles Times. forces were made to operate on ground and targeted operations were planned against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. There were significant individually planned battles and skirmishes between the U. army and Taliban often resulting in heavy losses to both sides. A tactic that Taliban often used in such conditions was the suicide attacks and planting improvised explosive devices IEDs that left the soldier carrying vehicles destroyed. The U. utilized an Iraqi style counter insurgency operations in the Afghan region that resulted in some strengthening of the conditions.

presence in Afghanistan the U. forged agreements with many warring tribes and factions of the Northern Alliance to enhance the unity of these groups that were to be pitched against the Taliban. These agreements were aimed at removing the support base of Taliban and Al-Qaeda from the Afghan society…. References Coll, S. Ghost wars: The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, Dreyfuss, R. Devil's game: how the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam. Metropolitan Books. Giustozzi, a. Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. Columbia University Press. Jones, a. Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse: Counting down to Manufacturers are the most affected as they have to absorb the transportation costs borne by the transporters.

This often results in a price hike which lowers profits. Companies who have to cut their profits lay off staff which affects consumer spending power. These actions hurt the economy in the longer run as it causes inflation and puts pressure on the government to raise wages so that consumers can afford to pay higher prices. Wages are never increased with rising prices so this result in people becoming poorer and it weakens the economy. Unemployment deters people from buying goods and results in lower sales. This causes more layoffs and pushes the economy to go down. The automobile industry has been the most affected as car sales have slumped due to the increase in oil prices. Consumers are wary of buying SUVs because they consume a lot of fuel.

SUVs form a…. The Economic Costs of the Iraq War: An Appraisal Three Years After the Beginning of the Conflict, NBER Working Paper No. Oil Change. The New Yorker Perry, George L. The War on Terrorism, the World Oil Market and the U. Economy, The Brookings Institution Behravesh, Nariman, February Iraq War Scenarios, Global Insight. NYT Meanwhile the Soviets and its Afganistan government forces brace for the complete deterioration of the nation Soviet newspapers report that some Afghan army units have begun looting their strongholds and abandoning them to guerrillas. VOA the last Soviet troops fly out of Kabul, ending a nine-year occupation of Afghanistan ahead of schedule. Moslem rebels launch rocket attacks on Kabul hours before the final withdrawal.

BBC The value of the early assumptions proved very real, though the soviet controlled government was able to hold the nation until , despite many rebel attempts to take over the nation, and especially Kabul. Again on February 16th the U. pledges to continue to support the rebels, stating that the ultimate goal of the support is, " Afghan self-determination. Secretary of State James Baker says the Soviets should assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. NYT " Defections of government troops to rebel forces continues, unabated. In one…. Works Cited Chipman, Don. Corwin, Phillip. Doomed in Afghanistan: A UN Officer's Memoir of the Fall of Kabul and Najibullah's Failed Escape, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, Edwards, David B.

Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, Rogers, Tom. The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Analysis and Chronology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, There are strong and compelling arguments that suggest that through this demonstrated incompetence, many of the terror plots are in fact enabled by our organization. Aaronson explained how this failure is hurting the practical application of the law. He wrote "With three exceptions, all of the high-profile domestic terror plots of the last decade were actually FBI stings. the exceptions are Najibullah Zazi, who came close to bombing the New York City subway system in September ; Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, an Egyptian who opened fire on the El-Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport; and failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.

Suggestions for the Future A new vision for this department is desperately needed. It is also apparent that the leadership arm of this organization is not demonstrating…. References Aaronson, T. The Informants. Mother Jones, Oct Eric Holder, Obama's Albatross. Washington Post, 10 Oct html The United States Department of Justice. Mission Statement. Viewed 2 April War on Terror Terrorism has always been with society, but since the elements of how it is handled have changed to some extent. In order to understand how that has taken place, it is vital to look carefully at the historical events of terrorism. These events were significant in that they caused serious harm to a number of people and structures, but they also matter because they provide a timeline of how things have changed and how terrorism -- and the responses to it -- has evolved over the years Coaty, As the terrorists have focused on doing different things, the people who are trained to respond to terror have also changed their focus.

It is both of these sides of the terrorist issue that have to be examined to provide a proper understanding of what terrorism does and how those who combat it and fight against it…. References Coaty, P. Understanding the war on terror 3rd ed. IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. War While the United States of America over the past decades has maintained its superiority over other nations in terms of political clout, there is a certain imbalance in power within the geopolitical system of the world that is causing nations to become embittered. The United States began its reign of controversy after World War II and yet, it was the Vietnam War that completed the role in unethical representation in terms of military and political power. The Vietnam War was fought on the basis of freedom, democracy and the need to hinder the spread of the evil of Communism.

The slogan of the times was that if the spread of communism was not stalled, America would soon lose its freedom and democracy the world over would be wiped out. These words may seem dramatic to the rational mind but to really understand the mood of the time such words…. References Potter, Paul. Oxford University Press, Smith, Ted. Propaganda: A Pluralitic Perspective New York: Praeger, war on Iraq, and considers whether U. policy towards Iraq can prevail, through an analysis of eight facets of this policy: international trade; weapons of mass destruction; democratization; the war against tyranny vs.

The grab for oil; the "shock and awe" tactics used at the beginning of the war; the U. occupation vs. liberation; whether the new government of Iraq will be Iraqi run or whether Iraq will become a puppet state; and, Operation Iraqi Freedom. The analysis is performed by means of an in-depth literature review, with relevant statistical support, where necessary. It is found that the war on Iraq was founded on false premises, and that the current U. policy towards Iraq is not sustainable for the Iraqi people nor for the honour of the U.

Introduction The war on Iraq which some people would argue was an illegal invasion on Iraq, as it happened without regard…. Vietnam War provides the opportunity to learn from history. Unfortunately, it would seem that the opportunities to learn from Vietnam had been squandered by the time the War on Terror began in earnest after September 11, The Vietnam conflict, for example, began as a diplomatic farce. As Young puts it, "Lyndon Johnson and obert McNamara created the illusion that attacks on North Vietnam were alternatives to war rather than war itself," p. Bombs were used as a darkly ironic form of diplomacy. Therefore, one of the most important lessons learned from Vietnam is that the United States must be more honest and straightforward in its use of force. Use of force cannot be disguised as a form of diplomatic negotiations.

References Donovan, D. Viewpoint: Counter-insurgency lessons from Vietnam. Katulis and Juul help put into perspective the tentative position of Iraq in saying that Iraq's leadership remains split on a draft version of SOF Katulis and Juul, online. The Iraqi cabinet must vote a two-thirds majority in favor of their support for a plan Katulis and Juul. This may be difficult to achieve when the cabinet is divided along religious sect lines. It is, too, perhaps the first time since the election of the cabinet by the Iraqi people that they had to put such concerted emphasis on their decision making, because, once made, there is no turning back from that decision which could result in the U.

pulling out of Iraq beginning almost immediately. What follows will answer the question of whether or not Iraq is prepared to stand on its own against the forces of Islamic fundamentalist extremism. Leaving Iraq may see it become impossible to regain…. As Hanson points out, the jihadists do not need fighter jets, a navy fleet or even tanks to win their war against the west Hoover Institution, Hanson, online. Their tools are terrorism, and this, too, seems to be one of the aspects of the present and future nature of warfare that people choose not to acknowledge.

The goals of terrorism are no to destroy buildings, although the destruction of buildings as occurred on September 11, , does indeed further their work; it is rather to cause a disruption of the economy, to create political division, world discord, to instill a prevailing atmosphere of fear and panic, and to bring down the society that is the target of the terrorist acts. In this regard, as we examine where America is today, and where the rest of the world is as economies are collapsing around us, it might be fair to say that the jihadists are winning their war of terrorism.

Who would have believed, as Hanson so succinctly argues, that a world amidst the technological progress where the world stands today could be brought to its knees by terrorists who have effectively enslaved the freedoms that it has taken America and its post World War II allies hundreds of years to achieve? Today, cartoon satire depicting Islamic extremists can be banned - instituting the Islamic fundamentalist goal to ban ideas and images; the words "war on terror" have been ostensibly set aside because they have become too psychologically burdensome to the public - instituting the Islamic fundamentalist goal to ban words from the language; and other examples of giving into the weight of terrorism as cited by Hanson Hanson, online. Echoing Galbraith, the question must be asked, "Is this victory?

com, Galbraith, Peter, GBlog. security, but on international security. Source 7 from Google: owman, Karlyn, U. all, pubID. Source evaluation: The article provides a well-documented insight into the public opinion in U. regarding the war in Iraq. Source 8 from Google: Diminished Public Appetite for Military Force and Mideast Oil Five Years Later Source evaluation: An article based on opinion polls regarding the people's opinion towards the war in Iraq. Source evaluation: The article deals with the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and the changes in this field brought by the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Source evaluation: The article is analyzing the decision-making…. html; Fletcher, Michael a. ar on Terror Towards the end of the first week of the war against Iraq, public support for the war remained strong. To many people, Saddam Hussein's actions and failure to comply with weapons inspections leaves the United States with no choice but unlitateral military action. Syndicated columnist Mona Charon echoes these arguments when she maintains that Saddam Hussein continues to hoard weapons of mass destruction. Even UN Inspector Hans Blix, she argues, said that Iraq has failed to provide evidence that their store of weapons have been destroyed Charon. Charon believes that while Muslim regimes in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt "promote violence and religious hatred" Charon.

Even in comparison to its neighbors, however, Iraq is extremist and reckless. It has sponsored terrorist groups and has proven itself to be a bitter foe of the United States. Finally, Charon argues that disarming Iraq is crucial not only for the…. Works Cited Charon, Mona. February 18 - March 3, ProQuest Database. Matthews, Jessica Tuchman. February 9, B. Lewis' the Crisis of Islam On page of The Crisis of Islam, Bernard Lewis states, "There is no doubt that the foundation of Al-Qa'ida and the consecutive declarations of war by Usama bin Ladin marked the beginning of a new and ominous phase in the history of both Islam and terrorism. The Crisis of Islam examines the origins of Islamic fundamentalism and its deadly application as terrorism. The September 11 attacks made Americans more conscious than ever about the threat of anti-American sentiment, a threat that existed far before Al-Qa'ida.

In his book, Lewis offers several insights into Islam's current social and political crisis. First, the author describes the flourishing of Islamic culture, noting in particular its theocratic foundations. The theocratic foundation of Islamic culture and religion allow…. Works Cited Lewis, Bernard. The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. New York: The Modern Library, That is simply not the case. Troops are being pulled out and replaced with mercenaries. By using such deceptive tactics as talking points like that -- "I will bring the troops home" one of Obama's campaign promises -- the American public are fooled about politicians' plans. Politicians are by and large bought and sold by lobbyists from the military-industrial complex as well as by the Israeli lobby like AIPAC.

If Americans in favor of peace cannot be fooled by phony promises of pulling the troops out because they know they are only being replaced by hired mercenaries and unrest is still being promoted in the Middle East as a part of America's foreign policy , then Americans are tricked into believing that the Arab states are full of terrorists and that America is not safe unless it occupies the whole of the Middle East. As Howard Zinn observes, "The United States…. Works Cited Joseph, Paul. Are Americans becoming More Peaceful? MI: Paradigm Publishers, McCoy, Katherine.

Zinn, Howard. A Power Governments Cannot Suppress. SF: City Lights, Despite all the graphic, inventive detailed descriptions of the physical suffering and the mental anguish Turner has endured, in the end, it is the cliche, metaphoric image of a breaking heart that sends the strongest message. It should break any human being's heart to kill, and those who are not emotionally torn up by taking another human being's life are therefore, essentially heartless. There is also an indication in Here, Bullet, that it is not only the heart that malfunctions in the throes of death and killing, but the brain as well. hen Turner speaks of "the leap thought makes at the synaptic gap" he is symbolizing the leap a person's mind is forced to make from have a respect for life and compassion for mankind to suddenly believe that it is okay to kill, maim and torture in the name of your country.

Thus from Turner's point-of-view, after being…. Works Cited Turner, Brian, "Here, Bullet" Here, Bullet, Alice James Books, Turner, Brian, "Sadiq" Here, Bullet, Alice James Books, Himes, Andrew, Voices in Wartime Anthology, cited in Alice James Books. Culture: A Poet in Tangled Battle Lines of Iraq; Plenty of Poets Described the Horrors of the First World War, but in Modern Combat Zones They Are a Rare Beast. David Whetstone Talks to American Poet Brian Turner, Who Served in Iraq. The Journal Newcastle, England. March 17, , p. He is more interested in "things," than what those things will bring. He drove it into the pine tree, holding it close and hitting it gently with the flat of the axe. He hung the pack up on the nail. All his supplies were in the pack. They were off the ground and sheltered now" as quoted in Vernon However, with time Nick is able to find some semblance of his early self.

He overcomes challenges and moves forward the best he can. Despite the fact that he is walking uphill through burned land with a backpack that is too heavy, he is now in a familiar place and happy to be here: Nick slipped off his pack and lay down in the shade. References Crane, Stepen. Red Badge of Courage. New York: Modern Library, Hemingway, Ernest. Big Two Hearted River. In Hemingway, Ernest. The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Scribner's, O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Random House, Stewart, Matthew. Hemingway and World War I: Combatting recent psychobiographical reassessments, restoring the war. Papers on Language and Literature. Many reasons for the war were offered by both the United States and British governments at various times.

In the months leading up to the war, there were a plethora of reasons offered that made it difficult to rationalize and understand exactly why the war was necessary. The argument regarding weapons of mass destruction was one of the most argued points; however, there was much debate as to whether these alleged weapons of mass destruction even existed Iraq Survey Group Another point of contention with the war in Iraq was whether or not there were right intentions. According to many scholars and lay persons, reiterated by Fishar and Biggar, there was serious opposition because the disarmament of Iraq seemed only the beginning of a larger agency established by the U.

Reasonable belief that weapons of mass destruction existed, for many, was not enough to…. Works cited American Unbound: the Bush Revolution in foreign policy. Washington DC. Biggar, N. Davies, N. Blood on our hands: the American invasion and destruction of Iraq. Shevin-Coetzee, M. The World in Flames: A World War II Sourcebook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Snell, J. The Outbreak of the Second World War: Design or Blunder? Boston D. Carr, F. Carr, p. Hickman, K. Hickman, p. Corum, J. Corum, p. References Bassett, R. The writer of this article, Victor David Hanson, states that since earlier times, this sort of disparity in power has been in evidence, and it is a fact that the others have been attempting to build up their innate strength and power by merely imitating the West.

This is sometimes referred to as a type of 'military parasitism', wherein those who were weak would often try to steal or buy or clone those weapons of the West that they found to be powerful. One example of this phenomenon is that of Japan. This country had no munitions manufacturing unit, no organized naval fleet, yet she managed to defeat a ussian Armada during Post-Modern War The main reason for this success was that Japan had been sending thousands of her students to foreign universities and to military academies to study, and this resulted in the gaining of certain knowledge in…. References Best of Counter terrorism and Security" Counter Terrorism and Security International.

Accessed on 17 January, Clements, Kevin. Accessed on 17 January, Hanson, Victor Davis. Proportionality in War The principle of proportionality in war is something that is hotly contested and debated. How the principle could and should apply in terms of response to military action or aggression, the incidence or possibility of civilian casualties and other things are all considerations when it comes to proportionality in war. In general terms, the argument to be made is that there should be consistence between a strike and a counterstrike. Obviously, the idea is to win whatever conflict is at hand. However, there are limits to this approach.

For example, responding to a cruise missile strike with a nuclear strike is obviously not going to fly. However, there are some times where proportionality is clouded and made difficult to figure out. At the very least, it can be controversial. The dual nuclear strike on Japan during World War II is one example. The manner in which the…. Bibliography Brown, Davis. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost accessed May 5, Even though this phrase has been used severally in passing to describe a wide variety of aims, policy guidelines and actions, the major moves made specifically under the direct explanation of the phrase is much more complex than just words.

There are two major goals of the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, which was established in The short-term aim of this strategy is to bring about a quick end to the al Qaeda group while its long-term aim is to create a worldwide intolerance for any form of terrorist groups and their affiliates. The objective of this study is to determine if the aims of this strategy and other programs on the front line on the war on terror has been achieved. To do this, we have to answer a basic question first; what exactly does the War on Terror mean? Who are the opposition? Can we emerge victorious? The resources explored to answer these questions were all gotten by searching through the EBSCOhost archives as well as Google Scholar.

The search keywords used were "War on terror" as well as "American war on terror". Some of the resources used are; official documents, reports, book reviews, research documents, articles and press releases. This study applies the format of the UK's Research Assessment Exercise. Right from time, the basic and crucial aim of the American government was the total safety of the people and the country. Concerning the war on terror, President Bush's government set its targets on destroying al-Qaeda and its brother terrorist associations as well as establishing democratic governments, which would reduce their operating freedom.

Terrorism is not a gigantic foe and it is not entirely focused on bringing down America. It is simply a radical Islamic group, its supporters and sympathizers as well as countries in favour of its activities. In spite of the massive moves towards bringing an end to terror, research has clearly revealed that the major aims of this haven't been met and the situation has even exacerbated. This inability on the part of the US to meet its aims on this war could be linked to its actions and rules which has spurred more and more people to be sympathetic with the terror organizations and hence made them stronger.

If the United States wants to put a quick end to this, it is crucial that it makes the citizens understand the workings of democracy , work together with current Middle Eastern leaders with the aim of educating their people on liberty and democracy and find a way of doing this in alignment with the regions' religious beliefs. Part One: Introduction 1. Background- Give a historical information for the reader On the 23rd August, , Osama bin Laden publicly declared war against the United States via an Islamic degree fatwa. The major difference between this war and the previous ones the US has been involved in is that the enemy in this case had solely religion as their motive. Almost two years later, precisely the 22nd February, , Osama made another fatwa this time enjoining every Muslim to take up arms and murder every civilian and military American and their friends.

In August, , al-Qaeda fighters concurrently attacked the American embassies located in Kenya and Tanzania where they killed over people and injured several others. These fighters believed that by their actions, they were starting off a jihad to protect their faith. They also has the notion that America were the initial aggressors in this war and had landed the first blow several years before the September 11 retaliation where hijacked planes were crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America reacted to this attack by declaring war against al-Qaeda and terrorism generally. Early February, , the American government led by President Bush released the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism. This strategy was modified in September What is it?

On September 20, , while addressing It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. Human rights in the 'war on terror'. Even though the basic aims of the war on terror has been pursued vigorously, several years later, the story of the war is filled with controversial accounts and unconfirmed immoral actions. With these accounts of torture and other illegal acts becoming commonplace these days, there has been a growing agitation for accountability which can no longer be ignored. The attacks instead, caused a global awakening to the menace of terrorism and concerted "war on terror" was launched with the United States in the forefront.

This war has involved several battles in Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and thousands have lost their lives as a result of this[footnoteRef:2]. The short-term action involves a total annihilation of al-Qaeda. On this, the United States and its allies in this war has been quite successful in executing and imprisoning al-Qaeda leaders and soldiers and have run the group underground. Therefore, the long-term aim of the U. strategy is to foster an intolerant global atmosphere for terrorism and its activities[footnoteRef:3]. The identified path to take in realising these goals is to encourage democracy in Islamic nations. This move will bring about true progressive leaders rising to power and supplying the basic needs to the millions of Muslims who have boldly stood up against the acts of these terrorists but still want improved standards of living for themselves and their households.

Goepner, Measuring the effectiveness of America's war on terror.

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