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Essays on population

Essays on population

Population growth is not an issue that we can neglect; serious problems can arise like environmental damage and limited resources. On the other hand, countries with weak or unstable governments see many people leaving at the availability of any reasonable opportunity elsewhere. It is all being done to accommodate the growing population. Climate Places with extremely hot essays on population cold climates are sparsely populated, essays on population. Speaking of who, a lot of students specify Jessica as a preferred writer to get help with essays from.

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Population means the total number of essays on population inhabiting a particular area. The increasing population is one of the biggest concerns of all in India and many other countries. As the decrease in death rate indirectly leads to an increase in population due to the massive development in medical science in the last many years. Due to the increase in population, there are two other problems which are indirectly affected by it, which are lack of food and resources and the second is the problem of unemployment. A population control program should be launched by the government with strict rules and an eye on that to ensure its completion.

And another step is the education of people and makes them understand the ill effect of increased population. Essays on population that, 1. Development affects the wildlife and habitat of other species as it causes deforestation for houses, industries, and resources from the forest. The increase in population indirectly increases pollution as a rise in several people leads to growth in industrialization, which increases pollution. It indirectly leads to poverty in the country or area as it reduces the Per Capita Income PCI means average income earned by a person in a field and a specified year of the place.

Minimum marriage age or correct family planning, free education, awareness in people, and women empowerment are few ways to control the population. From that 1. One of the main reasons for the growth of the population in India is illiteracy because most of the uneducated and poor class people are scene having a high number of children. The reason for that is people from that undeveloped villages are not aware off birth control methods. And another point is development in medical science, which has decreased the death rate in the country. Increasing the population indirectly increases pollution as a rise in society leads to an increase in industrialization, which increases pollution. Introduction Population refers to the total number of organisms inhabiting a particular area.

The rapid growth of the people in certain parts of our planet has become a cause of concern. Community refers to the total number of organisms that can interbreed. The human society is growing at a rapid pace in certain countries. These countries essays on population being advised to control social control essays on population. While India has become nearly self-sufficient food grain in the wake of the Green Revolution ushered in the country by the use of hybrid varieties of wheat in the late sixties. India faced the problem of the growing population. One of the main reasons for the growth of the population is illiteracy in India. People from uneducated, poor class, or rural areas seen to bearing a vast number of children.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, more children for them mean several hands to work and earn for the family. And the second problem is that most of them are not aware of birth control methods. Early marriage is also a result of a more significant number of children. The growing population may also attribute a massive decrease in death rate as the growth of India in the field of Medical Science. Treatments and cures for various illnesses have developed, which also leads to a decrease in the death rate. There are several reasons for the same. One of the main reasons for this is the development in the field of medical science that has brought down the death rate.

Another reason is the growing birth rate, especially in the poor and developing countries. Lack of education and lack of family planning are among the top reasons for the high birth rate in these countries. Ironically, while the human population is increasing rapidly, the people of animals and birds is decreasing day by day. In an attempt to satisfy their needs, humans are cutting down forests that serve as a shelter for wild animals. It is time governments of countries with a high population must take strict measures to control the same else our planet will no longer be fit for the survival of humanity. Uneven Distribution of Population on Earth, essays on population. The population on earth is unevenly distributed.

While certain countries are facing the problem of population explosion, essays on population, others are sparsely less populated. This problem is not just the case with the human population; it also holds suitable for animals and other organisms. Steps Taken for Population Control in India. The government of India has taken specific steps to control the Indian population. Some of these are as follows:. Minimum Marriageable Age, essays on population, the government has set the minimum age for marriage, which 21 Years for men and 18 Years for women. A growing population is a severe problem in India.

While the government has taken specific steps to control the same, these are not effective enough. Many other measures need to be essays on population to curb or control this issue, essays on population. Fifty years of independence in India have brought with them a mixed bag of achievements and failures. And the early seventies, a useful check on population growth has eluded the nation, essays on population, and we are nearing the mark of one billion souls at the turn of the century. Several reasons contribute to the increase in essays on population in India. Several species of animals and birds have impacted due to this, essays on population.

The growing pollution due to ever-increasing essays on population and the establishment of various industries is another reason for the decrease in population of the fauna. This problem is because it is harming the weather. The population on earth unevenly distributed. At certain places, you will see a more significant number of animals while at some location you will hardly find any. Climate Places with extremely hot or cold climates are sparsely populated. On the other hand, those that enjoy a moderate environment densely populated.

Resources The areas with good availability of resources such as oil, wood, coal, etc. are densely populated, while those that lack these primary resources are sparsely populated. Political Environment Countries that enjoy a stable government and essays on population healthy political environment are densely populated. These countries attract immigrants from other countries, thereby filling the area. Essays on population the other hand, countries with weak or unstable governments see many people leaving at the availability of any reasonable opportunity elsewhere. Standard of living First world countries such as the U.

attracts a lot of immigrants as they offer much better packages and a good standard of living people. People from different parts of the world immigrate to such countries. This is the reason why the density of the population in such countries is increasing, as many people visit or work there with immigration. Steps Taken For Population Control in India. However, there is no stringent strict check on the same, essays on population. But this is mostly not followed by the people in rural or backward areas of the country. In the future, the Government should take strict action against breaking this rule. Free Education, The government of India, has also made education free in India for the children under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.

Promoting Adoption The government of India is also supporting the adoption of children. Several people essays on population their children at birth, owing to various reasons. While the human population is on the verge of explosion, essays on population, the wildlife population is decreasing over time. The people of several species of birds and animals have gone down drastically owing to factors for which the human being alone can be held responsible. Some issues are:. Humans are ruthlessly cutting down forests for their needs. Due to this, several species have decreased, and the other few have gone extinct. Increasing Essays on population Increase in the pollution of air, essays on population, water, and the soil is another reason why several animals are dying at an early age.

Many species of animals or mostly infants are not being able to cope up with the pollution. Due to the infection, they incur several diseases, which lead to facing fatal consequences to them. Your essays on population address will not be published. Essay on Population by admin Social Issues. Latest Essay on Population for School Students. Table of Contents. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Growth of human population has become a cause of concern in many parts of the world, mainly in the poor countries. On the other hand, there are places where the rate of population is very low. India is faced with the problem of growing population. As is the case with almost every developing country, there are several reasons that contribute to the increase in population in India. One of the main reasons for the growth of population in India is illiteracy. People from the uneducated and poor class are seen bearing greater number of children. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, more children for them mean more number of hands to work and earn money for the family. Secondly, most of them are not aware about the birth control methods.

Early marriage also results in greater number of children. The growth in population may also be attributed to low death rate. Treatments and cures for various illnesses have been developed and thus the death rate has gone down. The government of India has taken certain steps to control the Indian population. Some of these are as follows:. The government has set the minimum marriageable age for men as 21 years and for women as 18 years. However, there is no stringent check on the same. People in the rural and backward areas of the country still marry their children at an early age. The government must increase the minimum age of marriage and also keep a stringent check on the same.

The government of India has also made free education available for the children of the country by way of its Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. Eradicating illiteracy is another way to control population. The government of India is also promoting the adoption of children. There are several people who abandon their children at birth owing to various reasons. Growing population is a serious concern in India. While the government has taken certain steps to control the same these are not effective enough. There are many other measures that need to be taken to curb this issue. Population commonly refers to the total number of people living in a particular region.

However, the word population does not only mean the human population but also the wildlife population and the overall population of animals and other living organisms who have the ability to reproduce. Ironically while the human population is increasing at a rapid pace, the population of animals is going down. There are several factors that have led to population explosion in various parts of the world over the last few decades. One of the leading factors is the progress in the field of science and technology. While earlier there was a balance between the birth rate and the death rate of human beings, the advancement in medical science has created an imbalance in the same.

Medicines and advanced medical equipments have been developed to cure several diseases. With the help of these, the death rate among human beings has been brought down and this has led to population explosion. Besides, technological growth has given way to industrialization. While earlier most people were involved in agricultural activities and earned their livelihood via the same, many have now turned towards jobs in different factories. The population of the regions where these industries are set up is thus becoming denser by the day.

While the human population is on the verge of explosion, the wildlife population is decreasing over the time. The population of several species of birds and animals has gone down drastically owing to factors for which the human beings alone can be held responsible. Some of these are discussed below in detail:. The wildlife animals reside in forests. Deforestation means destroying their habitat. Nevertheless, the human beings are ruthlessly cutting and destroying the forests to fulfil their own needs. Several species of animals have decreased and several others have gone extinct due to the degradation or loss of their habitat.

The growing air, water and land pollution is another major reason why several animals are dying at an early age. Many species of animals are not being able to cope up with the growing pollution. They incur certain diseases due to it and face fatal consequences. The climate in various parts of the world has changed drastically. Many areas that earlier received moderate rainfall now witness flood like conditions. Similarly, the areas that remained mildly hot during the summer season now experience extremely hot weather.

While the human beings are equipped to adapt to such situations, animals cannot withstand the same. Man has always thought about his well-being and comfort overlooking the impact it has on the plants, animals and the overall environment around him. If human beings continue to behave this way earth would no longer remain fit for the survival of the human beings. It is time we must recognise the importance of controlling the human population as well as the practices that are ruining our planet. Population is the term used to denote the total number of people living in an area. It does not only refer to the human beings but also to other forms of living organisms that have the ability to reproduce and multiply.

The population in many parts of earth is increasing. While the governments of different countries are trying to curb the issue by various means, a lot still needs to be done in order to control it. The growing rate of population is a cause of several problems. The developing countries are struggling hard to reach up to the level of the developed countries and the rapid growth in the population in these countries is one of the main hindrances in this direction. The problem of unemployment is on all time high only because of the growing population. There are numerous people seeking jobs but the vacancies are limited.

Unemployment causes poverty which is another problem. It also creates dissatisfaction among the people and gives rise to crime. Those who do not get their desired jobs often adopt unsolicited means to earn money. It is also to be understood that the resources are limited but due to the increasing number of people the demand is growing higher. Forests are being cut and huge office and residential buildings are being made in their place. It is all being done to accommodate the growing population. Natural resources are being depleted at a rapid pace because of greater number of people using them. This is causing an imbalance in the environment. More and more natural resources are being used to meet the demands of the people. This does not only cause degradation of the environment but also increases the cost of living.

Controlling the population has thus become the need of the hour. It is necessary for establishing balance and harmony in the environment. It will also ensure better standard of living for people. Ask yourself these questions how will the number of people in a specific area benefit the people, policy makers, and the nation? How will information about endangered species, immigrants, and individuals susceptible to crime, and social disorder benefit me as an individual, the community, policy makers, and the country? The answers to these questions will provide the importance of population study. Your essay should also tackle the issues and challenges facing population.

Ask yourself these questions: How does the population of a region decrease? Some of the answers are because:. The answers will give you extensive information about the issue of low population. Additionally, population increase affects the population. You should, therefore, ask yourself the causes of population growth. Some reasons are:. You should also tackle the effects of increased population. What does it mean when the population of people multiplies with no increase in resources? Some of the effects include:. Further, explain why information on low population and high population is beneficial to the society.

Lastly, your essay should have a conclusion that summarizes the main parts of the essay. It should not be more than half a page unless instructed otherwise. Home Blog Important things to remember as you write your essays on population. Important things to remember as you write your essays on population Jessica Nita. Hire a Writer. Share on Facebook Tweet this Share on Messenger. Post author.

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