Monday, January 24, 2022

My best job essay

My best job essay

It has generated a deep sense of frustration and indiscipline among young people. I will complete this course in my own time outside of working hours but also within the working day as I will require some assistance from my manager, my best job essay. Ways to Peacefully Avoid Confrontation with Your Boss. In the beginning, we will have to work hard to get a promotion. My first dream job that I ever remember having was to be a professional basketball player my best job essay the NBA Job Interview Answer: What is Your Greatest Weakness?

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These Job Career Essays discusses how to choose your profession, job success, why people have to work at all and other. Life has many aspects and one of the most important sides of it is having a good job. But what is a good job? Some people see a good job as having a good income, others look at it as low working hours, while others just look to the job as they are meant to do it. A job that is with high payment and brings happiness, passion to workers are the factors which are appreciated the most by most of the people. The first factor that people think it needs to have to a good job is a high payment.

Every person like to have a good job with a high payment that enables him or her to live a wealthy life. If you have a good income, you will have a high standard of living. For examples: you can buy a beautiful house, a luxury car or expensive furniture for your house and so on by the money you earn from your job. Beside, a good income will help you to save for the future. A good job with a high income brings the workers many benefits. The second and most important factor that a good job need to have is bringing happiness and passion to the workers.

Many people decide to choose a job with a good salary instead of a job that they really love. Working makes you sometimes feel tired, depressed and exhausted thus you will suffer from stress and pressure which surely has bad effects on the outcome of your work, on the happiness of your family or even my best job essay your healh. Therefore, Doing the job you love is very important, you always feel happy and convenient when you do it no matter how difficult and busy it is. Choosing a job base on a natural interest which is not only good for the individual but also good for the company and society. Because when a person is comfortable with his work, he will give his best trying to improve his work so the company will get much profit which helps society become more and more developed.

Source: SudyMoose. Firstly, there are immense benefits that professionals enjoy sticking to the same job. But the most obvious ones are security and enhanced expertise in a specific domain that they gain during their tenure in the workplace. For example, a civil engineer who is designing the architecture of a bridge for years knows all the nitty-gritty details of the factors for building a robust bridge. Because of his vast experience, his company will also be interested to retain him as the same level of competency cannot be expected from a newcomer. This supports the argument that continuing the same job over the years has several positive facets. However, many other people argue in favor of changing jobs recurrently. The main reason being when individuals work in several jobs they usually add more skills to their portfolio and this definitely improves their employability.

For instance, when a wildlife photographer changes his job and joins an advertising agency, not only his skills get enhanced, he is also considered as more dynamic and versatile. Additionally, my best job essay, spending too long in a job also make people feel monotonous. This makes clear why the idea of shifting jobs is suggested. After looking at these two opposing points of view, it is felt that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit. However, it is recommended that one should judge the situation prior to making a decision. Show more Show less Example 3, Reasons Why People Work The Question People in society work in many different settings, and for a variety of reasons.

What do you think is the main reason why people have jobs? Only a very narrow-minded person would suggest that making money is the sole reason why people go to work each day. Personally, I believe my best job essay people find jobs to feel happier about their daily lives. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in my best job essay following essay. First of all, having a job gives our life a sense of purpose, which is good for our mental health. The objectives of our job are something to strive for each day and make it easy to establish both long and short term goals, my best job essay.

Without a job, people often feel that their life lacks a sense of purpose. My own experience is a compelling example of this, my best job essay. Inafter ten years of working in a fast-paced corporate environment, I was laid off from my job. Even though I was financially secure and did not need to get another position right away I felt extremely depressed because I did not have an official job. Pursuing my hobbies was fun, but I lacked something to strive for each day. This is because at work I had always been given sales objectives and profit objectives to work towards and without those I felt depressed.

Accomplishing professional goals always gave me a great sense of satisfaction. Secondly, jobs give us opportunities to meet new people on a regular basis, which can provide us with a sense of happiness. People who are unemployed interact mostly with their family and old friends, which can sometimes be boring. When I was in high school, I worked in a local supermarket. Although the job did not give me a very high salary, I often look back on that experience with fondness; indeed, in many ways, it was the best job I have ever had. I was very happy to chat with the eclectic assortment of customers who came in each day, my best job essay. They all came from radically different backgrounds my best job essay me, and as a result, it was stimulating to learn about their lives.

Even though I now work at a job that pays me a much higher wage, I do miss my low-paying supermarket job sometimes. In conclusion, I strongly believe that one of the main reasons people work is to feel better about their lives. This is because a job gives us goals to strive for, and opportunities to make connections with interesting people. It is the secret behind social progress and the defining characteristic of man. Work as we see it, is a virtue and a necessity. In times of uncertainty, interdependence and market my best job essay, the individual has to rely on his work to ensure his own well-being. Work provides the individual with the ability to be independent, to flourish, to develop, and most importantly, my best job essay find a meaning to life. This paper is centered on Edward W.

Work requires the expenditure of time and energy, my best job essay. Man is in control of his time and energy when he voluntarily and constructively works. A little girl in one of the corners of the world who goes to the kindergarten and learns how to count, draw, sing or write, is working. Thus what the little girl does is one dimension of work, because instead of staying home to only eat and sleep, she is actually doing my best job essay which are improving her as an individual. On the other hand, the man who has a job and devotes a lot of time and energy towards is a concretization of work for pay. Through his work, he is producing wealth which he can later use to pursue his goals.

Thus, based on the age, circumstances, needs and desires of individuals, work takes different shapes. Work provides individuals with the medium to realize most of their aspirations. Therefore, it is an important tool for forming the individual and the community as a whole, since we are all interconnected with each other. We produce and benefit from our work and that of another individual whose work might have an influence upon us. For instance a farmer who works his land does so by using a tractor which was produced in a fabric thanks to the work of other people. Work is an essential tool through which individuals can achieve their goals, flourish and have a meaningful life.

It is not at the root of a meaningful life but is an inseparable part of it. According to Younkins meaningful life is interconnected with reason, productive work, goal achievement, human flourishing and happiness. Since productiveness is one of the most important elements of a meaningful life an individual should work in order to be productive. Thus, it is through work that we can actualize our abilities and desires, and give meaning to our existence. Work is important because it helps us shape our personal identity. It is also the building brick of the community. In order to lead a meaningful life, we have to be rational human-beings who choose work as an indisputable way of flourishing our lives.

For instance, if we take into consideration the labor market and the people who get paid for their work, we can say that they can sustain themselves, their families and maybe have enough wealth left to spend on entertainment, my best job essay. These people give meaning to their existence and shape their life based on the work they do. Work organizes your life, gives you a reason to wake up in the morning and makes my best job essay understand the importance of other things in your life. You can get tired and frustrated from your work, but at the moment when you gather around the Christmas tree you will have been able to afford a present for your children and can my best job essay upon a glass of wine with your wife.

Work gives you the freedom to chose, freedom to have the things you need and desire. Independence means to actualize your existence by your own means. Work provides individuals with the necessary means to sustain themselves both economically and my best job essay, provides the freedom to be part of a society, my best job essay. It is through work that we establish ourselves as a woman or a man. If you work, you produce wealth which only you have possession of and nobody else does, my best job essay. People live through their choices. For instance, Tom might chose to spend a quiet and peaceful summer at home or go on vacation.

At the same time, Anna decides to do to a work and travel program and spend the same amount of time working. In the beginning of the next academic year, Tom has to ask his family to provide the money for everything whereas Anna can do so on his own. At this point, the Anna has developed as an independent individual who can pursue her goals through her own means. She actualizes her own existence by her own work. To work is to spend time and energy in producing something, instead of lying on the beach and enjoying the sun. Therefore, through work we produce material values which we have possession of and can use it according to our aspirations. When you are a capable grown-up person and by free will you choose not to work, then somebody else will have to produce wealth for you.

At this point it is not you who own the wealth but the person who gives it to you, who indirectly owns and controls your desires and needs as well. Eventually, my best job essay, work smoothes the path towards individual independency. Flourishing is a synthesis of personal development and change towards perfection, my best job essay. These two factors require effort and persistence.

best narrative essays

Like a doctor or lawyer, an acquisition earns professional status along with a test to prove a specific level of knowledge. You must pass a series conducted by the Society of Aquarius SOA or the Costati Actuarial Society CAS to become a fully qualified aquarium. To prepare yourself to be a sanctuary, I must keep my interest in math. Also, I will take the issues related to this career in grades 11 and For example, math, feasibility and statistics, calculation, business, computer, algebra and geometry, calculus, economics, and law. I will practice and develop some of my other skills as practice skills, group work skills and etc.

I also learned that in the field of mathematics, statistics, or biological statistics, the performers make good professors; With their expertise in statistics, they can act as statisticians, analyzing statistics in Canada population analysis or analyzing public opinion poll for upcoming elections. Through this study, I learned a lot about aquariums, for example, what they do, where they work, earn, and so on. I learn that any qualified evaluation and skills can be improved. And all of this will help me build my next step in the future. There are different standards about what people want. Some people want to be teachers, some want to be a doctor, some want to be lawyers, etc. My ideal job is to be a nurse and that is why I have chosen my main English nursing in medical college and I will study this college for five years.

I think I should make a living using it to learn. More importantly, I love my main love too. Doctors can help a lot better doctors to treat patients. My ideal job is to be a good nurse. When I was young, I saw many patients in the hospital. I hope I can help them maintain their health. Also, I call many nurses in disaster. They had hoped for homeless people. So I want to be a good nurse, I want to be an angel. I hope I can help others escape from the pain. I hope I can devote my time to this career. Meanwhile, some people choose to do things that were slightly different from their studies, such as Leo and others who wrote about becoming a doctor.

My ideal job is as a doctor. My main nursing is. But I do not have the aim, to be a nurse. My dream is to become a popular doctor who can contribute to his life throughout his life. When I was young, I was always sick and I was weak. There were not many doctors in my suburbs. So today it is If I become a doctor, then I will do my best to treat patients coming to my clinic. So, when my children were sick when they were young, or they seem to be beautiful on paper for this particular matter. However, in fact, there was a good deal of diversity, many students prefer writing about work that was outside of the medical field. In fact, if I was deprived of them, then I would say that after nursing, the beginner was the second most popular choice, considering how many articles I read here was like Sunny.

My ideal job is to be a teacher. When I was young, I envy teachers because they had a lot of knowledge and many of us were taught that we will never know. Another thing I think is teaching a reputable job. Ultimately, but at least, there is not much poor area of lack of educational institutions. I hope I can be a teacher, I want to help them. Among the two classes, there were many students like Olivia, who wrote in the same line. My ideal work should be to be a teacher — a plain, regular job because it can earn me my interest rate. As a teacher, undoubtedly, I will not earn a lot of money and I will not get great fame. However, from my own point of view, teaching is really a fruitful thing.

Several of my authors have also written about how they want to be writers, such as Tino. My ideal work writer and this is because I love reading different books and creating new ideas in my world. I want to write a novel because it can create a world that you want. You can make your dreams come true in your world. I want someone to have a common idea with me. We can chat and play with each other, exchange our views. I can use people touching my story. My ideal work should be to be a writer, but I am not like those who write about daily life, we are known. Instead, I will write skinners and customs in foreign countries through my own experience. I like to travel and write, so I hope they can be related to each other.

When I was young, I read a few textbooks written by Chinese famous writers, whose nickname San Mao The sceneries presented by her are deeply influenced by my mind. Its beautiful words and cozy style makes me charming. Probably from that time, my ideal work was budded. My ideal job is to become a bookstore shopper. We know that books play an important role in our lives. They expand our horizons in different ways. In addition, I like reading good books. I was enjoying time reading a book. Therefore, hosting a bookstore is the best thing for me.

I want a lot of help from people When I go shopping with my friend, I see some people bee for money or food. If I have money I will pay for them. They are having a difficult time. When the Sichuan earthquake occurs, many children were losing their people. Since then, if I had enough money I thought, I wanted to give them a warm house and make them happy. Nursing my ideal job. Whereas, I was a small girl that was always my dream. There are many people who feel nursing who are tired and do not pay well. Probably a couple of years ago, this was the case. The thing seems to have changed now for the better. Today there are many specialized hospitals open in many cities that require more nurses. More interesting is the focus of the hospitals for those who have special training and skills.

For example, the orthopedic hospital will look for a nurse who is trained in trauma care along with unstable treatment. Look as a career as nursing so there are very few nurses. If you think that the nurses will continue to play the part of the Florence Nightingale, but this day and age will expect it to be very little. For a very long time, a nursing woman has been associated with gender. Many believe that women need to be resisted. It may sound like a sexist attitude; But unfortunately, it is a common one today. Most nurses are given general nursing training before going to a clinic or hospital. Very often, this is not enough. Nurses keep learning to work with patients. Finding a job is not the same as finding out a job. The most important choice of my decision to make my life happy and to succeed is to think about me and my decision.

I just have to know my decision. I will only know about my decision that will affect people around me. I believe that I would thoroughly consider what made me happy. I will appeal to my loved ones, respect, and care for others and my interests. Nursing is my true passion and a career that I can hear at Kaplan University is very important for success in this career. I just needed the opportunity to prove my ability to be an amazing nurse. Why I chose Criminal Justice that there was some temporary problem in my nursing field but,. Criminal Justice Work I believe is a great field. This gives you a chance to make a difference among the communities. I love to investigate the situation and look for evidence. I found out that something else that I was good at.

My husband says that I love to investigate so I said maybe something I can do. My adviser also told me that I could not be nursing even though I still want to consider something else. I certainly want to work in the field of homicide investigation. Although I find it interesting, I first saw 48 and a lot of forensic files. I think a college education is a reason for me to open more opportunities in the future, now it is more difficult to get a job without a college education. I see many big men and women working so hard on this minimum wage, but never reached the top. S, so I can get the idea of percentage of successful getting a job after I graduate.

And now, I am going to discuss the useful of Google search engine attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right. I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best. I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job. I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner. What skills do you have? What let you choose your major field of study? Why should I hire you? I understand your position requirements and if you take a look at my resume, I am quite certain that you will find that my skills and potential over and above exceed the qualifications and responsibility for this job.

So, Is there a reason why you should not hire me? You will hire me because I have good communication skills to convince anyone, good leadership qualities and if this is not enough I am a quick learner and love to learn all new things which can give good returns to my future growth. These are the qualities I have which will be a value addition for any company as well as for my career and I believe nobody wants to lose a good resource. I can surpass your expectations only if you give a chance to proof my managerial skills and abilities and together we can achieve desired goals. I am self motive, hard working, and dedicated. I am also a great multitasker who has proven time over time, iEthics Cast of Characters: Steve Jobs: Jennessey Saldana Apple Employee: Leticia Romero Ramirez Apple Customer: Marilyn Castillo Narrator: Dina Lopez Dialogue: Narrator: Machiavelli once stated that it is better to be feared than to be loved, and who followed through with this ideology more than anybody else?

Steve Jobs. Whatever the case, Apple has grown to be one of the most successful companies in the world! Scene 1: Steve Jobs and his partner Steve Wozniak Narrator: In , Atari, a global entertainment company, hired Steve Jobs and Wozniak to create a game called Breakout. Steve Jobs: We have been hired by Atari! They want us to create a game; this is what we need! to start linking our company with others! Wozniak: Wow! That is great! When is the deadline? Steve Jobs: scratches head, and looks away, saying: in 4 days Wozniak: What? can you repeat that? Steve Jobs: 4 days! Look, with your design skills and my skills, I am sure that we can accomplish this.

It will be a piece-of-cake! Wozniak: well… yes, but 4 days is insane! Steve Jobs: Look Woz, it sounds crazier than it is? this is your chance! Where else will they hire you without a college degree to design? Wozniak: i suppose we could do it Thesis Based on my research, I should stay on my current career path. Background I am planning to pursue a degree in Dental Hygiene. According to me, dental hygiene is a very manageable career. I like to be hands-on and I love the tools that dental hygienists use. The best part is that as you get more experienced, the higher your pay gets. You have so many benefits, like health insurance that is covered by your employer are challenged in making sound decision, decision that will last for a life time.

Folk often wonder after making a decision if it was the right choice, will it affect the people around me, was this a good choice for my family, and will the decision affect them. The decision- making process should be one that makes a positive change. Can the decision making process work for organization as well as individuals. Before changing to the job that I have now, I had to decide if leaving the Register of Voters to take a job with the East Baton Rouge Parish School System would work out in my favor. Before making a hasty decision I listed my pros and cons to see what job will be the best, what job would I like working at, would there be room for advancement on the job, and which job had the best benefits. In making the right decision some of my decision- making came from that of the Stages of Decision-Making Process that we are learning about in the first chapter in the book.

The steps that I followed when making my decision were, am I pleased with the making problems. Original Problem The original issue that I had a problem with was the ability to learn the new Dreamliner in order to complete my statement of work in an efficient amount of time. The initial solution was to pair up with someone that was more knowledgeable in that particular area or system and learn it that way. Several reasons that I was not able to learn this airplane with the time frame given were not enough time, systems were more complex than what I was used to, and also there were too many mechanics that were picked over me to get that job to actually learn it. After looking at the solution that I had decided based upon my time frame, and talking it over with some co-workers I had to rethink my solutions to the problem.

Initial Solutions Initial solutions that I seem fit that will benefit my time schedule would be to learn the airplane on my spare time. Playing with the airplane while no one was working was also an option, that way I can see which systems affects each other, and also how to navigate through the navigational computers. Trial and error, by getting a job an playing it by ear. Spend more time researching the components and the kinks to troubleshooting several systems which will then give me some insight on what I am dealing with. Taking home certain information so I can at least study on my days off, that way I am not taking up enough time. Telling the managers to marrying women and not obtaining a divorce before marrying the next woman.

We have had several conversation about him doing those types of things and that is was unethical but, it did not seem to matter to him even when I told him it was against the law. It have just bee brought to may attention that he was in a relationship with one of my sister. My sister or he do not know that I know that they are seeing each other. Now the ethical issue that is going on is that one of my sisters is dating one of my clients and at this moment I know they are in a relationship together. Being a bigger sister my mind is thinking g on how to protect my sister from getting hurt by my client.

This will be the ethical choice for me trying to protect my sister but it will not be ethical when it applies to my job. I know that there are some changes need to be made but, I have to do right by my job and follow the rule so I can stay true to my job and keep my job as a case worker. In most cases the case manager know beforehand potential conflict of interest between the individuals if you are put into a difficult situation Job Interview Answer: What is Your Greatest Weakness? When you're asked what your greatest weakness is, try to turn a negative into a positive. For example, a sense of urgency to get projects completed or wanting to triple-check every item in a spreadsheet can be turned into a strength i.

you are a candidate who will make sure that the project is done on time and your work will be close to perfect. Note that the term "weakness" isn't used in the sample answers - you always want to focus on the positive when interviewing. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time. Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task, or take on tasks personally that could easily be delegated to someone else. Although I've never missed a deadline, it is still an effort for me to know when to move on to the next task The main place of employment that I discovered for a Tax Examiner is the IRS, including: state, federal, and other local government agencies.

Experience in the field and continuing education are necessary to maintain knowledge needed for a Tax Examiner. I may need to revise my educational options in order to achieve the best possibility of obtaining this career. Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal………………………………………………………………………………………2 Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………. For the best experience an internship or possible volunteer work in this field is recommended. Excellent communication skills both verbal and written are needed as this position requires personal contact with the public. Also attention to detail is a must; this position is a proofing job in a sense.

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