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Traditional food essay

Traditional food essay

Really affordable options you don't want to miss out on! The low share of this group can be explained by the limited number of population in traditional food essay Buddhism countries and the specifics of the religion and food peculiarities that remained complicated to most tourists and immigrants. by Dave Real Past Tests IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answers 4 Comments. Nevertheless, traditional food essay, it did not have any strong influence on the special food culture. The division of the world community into several religious groups allows determining the peculiarities of each one. The researches into the connection between the current environment and food culture provide a special group of scientific facts about the interdependence and mutual influence of these attributes of human life.


In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast food, traditional food essay. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extend do you agree or disagree? I am totally convinced by the fact that the increasingly popularity on consumption of fast foods has triggered negative impacts to our daily living- style, traditional food essay, such as the unconscious changes in dietary orientation. Yet, traditional food essay, this unfortunate trend is not restricted to developed countries where fast food pictures an efficient lifestyle, but is also evident among other poor ones. Obesity caused by fast food ingestion such as burgers and fries has recently become one of the most detrimental diseases among youngsters.

Therefore, the replacement of traditional home-made food by fast foods has only enhanced the severity of this situation. Also, it has given rise to a burden that governments have to invest a considerable amount of budget into medicine researches in order to address this phenomenon. Furthermore, the development of fast food also exerts subtle but significant influences on the relationship of family members. People who used to have meals at home will now spend the most of meal times outside. Similarly, the outstanding position of fast foods may also drive homogenize of different cultures resulting loss of distinctiveness of a nation, at least to food patterns.

My own view is that there is no one most suitable food orientation style for people in recent times, traditional food essay. However, the unchangeable and nutritional traditional food is integrated with some degree of fast food when people only obtain limited time. Apparently, it is the combination of traditional food and fast food that people are more likely to enjoy the diversity of food choices to keep pace with the speedy of the society in different nations. Arguably, the expansion of fast food, traditional food essay some extent, does have its own merits. People with limited rest time tend to choose fast food due to its efficiency. When they have a more timethe traditional food would be selected by the majority of people because of its nutritional parameters.

However, apparently, it is the combination of traditional food and fast food that people are more likely to enjoy the diversity of food choices to keep pace with the speedy of the society in different nations. In conclusion, without suggesting that there have been a small proportion of strengthens associated with the food pattern traditional food essay by fast food,however, personally, I am inclined to conclude that only when people are aware of the numerous problems caused by fast food, which outnumber the merits of the new food pattern, could individuals confine more attention to choose the health dietary, actually. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or traditional food essay for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

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In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast food. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extend do you agree or disagree? I am totally convinced by the fact that the increasingly popularity on consumption of fast foods has triggered negative impacts to our daily living- style, such as the unconscious changes in dietary orientation. Yet, this unfortunate trend is not restricted to developed countries where fast food pictures an efficient lifestyle, but is also evident among other poor ones.

Obesity caused by fast food ingestion such as burgers and fries has recently become one of the most detrimental diseases among youngsters. Therefore, the replacement of traditional home-made food by fast foods has only enhanced the severity of this situation. Also, it has given rise to a burden that governments have to invest a considerable amount of budget into medicine researches in order to address this phenomenon. Furthermore, the development of fast food also exerts subtle but significant influences on the relationship of family members. People who used to have meals at home will now spend the most of meal times outside. Similarly, the outstanding position of fast foods may also drive homogenize of different cultures resulting loss of distinctiveness of a nation, at least to food patterns.

My own view is that there is no one most suitable food orientation style for people in recent times. However, the unchangeable and nutritional traditional food is integrated with some degree of fast food when people only obtain limited time. Apparently, it is the combination of traditional food and fast food that people are more likely to enjoy the diversity of food choices to keep pace with the speedy of the society in different nations. Arguably, the expansion of fast food, to some extent, does have its own merits. The source considers the physiological taste experiences, peculiarities of preparation, and basic attitudes including the acceptance of the natural environment, as well as social interconnections.

Therefore, the authors underline the importance of food culture once more. The differences in food culture are still an object of scientific interest. Kim, Oh, and Park study the regional and cultural differences of nutrition Kim, Oh, and Park 4. The wide scope of the research covers the most significant issues of the food culture. The scientists pointed out that the food habits can be traced back to the first humans; they have evolved due to the development of social community and economic ties. The formation of a civilized society promoted hunting, gathering, agriculture, Industrial Revolution, and current innovation.

The food culture is examined in the light of the cultural tradition of a certain country. The overall assumption of Almli et al. concerning the tastes and taboos in the food cultures leads to the thought that the food preferences of various countries make the world multiform The high-calorie content of the American dishes is harmful to the Indian or Tibetan food cultures since their representatives provide food with a greater meaning. The authors emphasize the hierarchy of the eligible foods and the role of animals in it. Food culture reflects nutrition of a particular nation and is associated with it. Understanding of the distinctions and specifics of some culture is tied with the features of the food consumption.

Everyone is prone to drawing parallels between the nutrition in the country and character of its citizens Fieldhouse Such association occurs due to the ability of food preferences to represent the unique tastes, traditions, history, and culture of a particular nation. In most cases, this connection is predictable and expected. Identification of the food choices and habits may reveal the affiliation of a person to a certain social or religious group. The researches into the connection between the current environment and food culture provide a special group of scientific facts about the interdependence and mutual influence of these attributes of human life.

For example, a certain online study has proved that the diet and environment are linked. The biodiversity of the region enables people to identify the country by its food culture. In the example with crops, the developer initiated the issue of the authentic origin of food and inherent natural environment. Thus, these attempts of a nation, which were proved by the previous deduction, reflected the attitude to the food culture and the food production conditioned by the absolute natural resources of a region. The sustainability of agriculture shifts the food preferences in terms of the natural nutrition. The ecological state and scarce natural resources can affect the food culture and cause its transformation.

The point is that the food that was common for the past generations and made their habitual diet has been changing over the years of agricultural development and industrial exploration. Food culture is influenced by social customs and historical occasions. For example, social and religious events may affect the tradition of preparing certain products. A different taste, ingredients, inclusion of fruit, vegetables, spices, or herbs, food service and preparation are the elements of cuisine and reflect the traditions of a nation.

Eating within the food culture has an important part in the religious vision and presents a solitary ceremony in some religions. The type of food and peculiarities of consumption have a substantial role in the food culture associated with the religious traditions of the world. Food is considered an element of the spiritual ritual of many religions. The food is accepted in observance of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and other religions of the global community. The food culture of these religions varies since their followers have different worldviews.

The adherence to certain religion means maintenance of the appropriate food culture. As an example, the researchers provide the food and drinks of the Christians that may not be widespread among the followers of other religion. In the daily life, Orthodox and Catholic Christians eat different kinds of meat. General restrictions do not include fish consumption. There is also a fast, during which the Christians follow a strict food diet. In comparison, the Protestants have no similar rituals and celebrate only a few religion feasts. The Christians value the ceremony of Holy Communion that includes the consumption of bread and wine as the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. The dairy food is allowed by the Christian food culture and should be avoided only on certain fasting days.

Among the Christians, the alcohol consumption is ambiguous while the Muslims are prohibited to drink alcohol at all. The consumption of meat is also a strict issue in Islam. The food culture of the Islamic countries allows adding meat to the diet if it was gotten with the conduction of the religious rituals of slaughtering. Moreover, the Islamic religious traditions prohibit pork meat. The Islamic food culture is based on the strict Sharia laws Huda. According to the authoritative scientific sources, the dietary habits are guided by Allah. The Halal concept determines the permitted products that can be useful while Haram lists the forbidden food that is harmful to the spirit of a Muslim.

Specific fasting traditions require special behavior and variable diet. The Haram food such as the pork mentioned above and the derivative products are also forbidden for the Islamic community. The Muslim competent sources admit that bread and certain bread products can come under the Haram concept if they contain the alcohol traces owing to the yeast ferments. The same issue concerns gelatin and caffeinated drinks. As the Jewish articles testify, their culinary concludes the kosher food that is permitted by the ancient religious laws and strictly excludes shellfish and pork. The cultural peculiarities of food among the Jewish community are tightly associated with the formal behavior; they even concern the way of the food preparation and serving. The food culture of the Jews is also conditioned by the fasting and appropriate type of dishes and their permitted composition.

Hinduism has developed a special attitude to the food as it is associated with the body and true gift of God Jayaram. Therefore, their food culture emphasizes the health food habits; food in it obtains more meaning rather than nutrition. According to the Hindu source, the food consumption has always been filled with religious content. For a Hindu, preparation and eating are the sacrificial acts intended to strength his or her soul and body. The dishes prepared by these people are offered to God; they include food with tang and different tastes depending on what is the purpose of the consumption. Food varies from the so-called pure one, which is full of light feelings, to hot one that includes strong impressions and is salty or spicy, as well as so-called intoxicating food that is full of vital energy.

The serving traditions divide the food of the Hindus into several categories according to the status of a person, his or her guests, and purposes of offering. Mostly, the cuisine includes vegetarian dishes, some types of meat and fish, dairy products, and different spices. The cultural traditions with religious basis forbid crabs and ducks in some regions with the Hinduism culture. Most Hindus does not consume beef, alcohol, garlic, and onion. Therefore, the food culture of this religious group has some similarities with the Islamic and Buddhism concepts. Another faith that determine the food culture of its followers is Buddhism. The study focuses on the fact that the food habits of the Buddhism community vary.

Most popular dishes are vegetarian and can include fish and meat. The Buddhists from Vietnam and China refuse from garlic, shallot, and onion as some of the Hindus, but prefer the pungent spice. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Order now! Get Custom Essay from:. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Free essay samples on the given topic "Dream Family". You can also order a plagiarism-free custom written essay on the topic from our professional essay writers.

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